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ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Analog Devices |
ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Analog Devices |
16 / 40 page ADP5585 Data Sheet Rev. C | Page 16 of 40 Figure 26 shows a typical multibyte read sequence for reading internal registers. The cycle begins with a start condition, followed by the 7-bit device address (0x34 for all models except the ADP5585ACPZ-03-R7, 0x30 for the ADP5585ACPZ-03-R7 only), followed by the R/W bit set to 0 for a write cycle. The ADP5585 acknowledges the address byte by pulling the data line low. The address of the register from which data is to be read is sent next. The ADP5585 acknowledges the register pointer byte by pulling the data line low. A start condition is repeated, followed by the 7-bit device address (0x34 for all models except the ADP5585ACPZ-03-R7, 0x30 for the ADP5585ACPZ-03-R7 only), followed by the R/W bit set to 1 for a read cycle. The ADP5585 acknowledges the address byte by pulling the data line low. The 8-bit data is then read. The address pointer is then incremented to read the next data byte, and the host continues to pull the data line low for each byte (master acknowledge) until the n data byte is read. The host pulls the data line high (no acknowledge) after the last byte is read, and a stop condition completes the sequence. START 0 = WRITE 7-BIT DEVICE ADDRESS 7-BIT DEVICE ADDRESS ADP5585 ACK 8-BIT REGISTER POINTER READ BYTE 1 READ BYTE 2 READ BYTE n 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 REPEAT START 1 = READ ADP5585 ACK ADP5585 ACK MASTER ACK MASTER ACK MASTER ACK NO ACK STOP Figure 26. I2C Multibyte Read Sequence |
Similar Part No. - ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 |
Similar Description - ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 |
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