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ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 Datasheet(PDF) 34 Page - Analog Devices |
ADP5585ACPZ-00-R7 Datasheet(HTML) 34 Page - Analog Devices |
34 / 40 page ADP5585 Data Sheet Rev. C | Page 34 of 40 POLL_TIME_CFG Register 0x37 Table 63. Register 0x37, POLL_TIME_CFG Bit Descriptions Bit(s) Bit Name Access Description 7 to 2 N/A Reserved. 1 to 0 KEY_POLL_TIME[1:0] Read/write Configure time between consecutive scan cycles. 00 = 10 ms. 01 = 20 ms. 10 = 30 ms. 11 = 40 ms. PIN_CONFIG_A Register 0x38 Table 64. PIN_CONFIG_A Bit Descriptions Bit(s) Bit Name Access Description 7 to 6 N/A Reserved. 5 R5_CONFIG Read/write Reserved except for ADP5585AC_Z-01-R7 options) 0 = GPIO 6. 1 = Row 5. 4 R4_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 5 (see R4_EXTEND_CFG in Table 66 for alternate configuration, RESET1). 1 = Row 4 3 R3_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 4 (see R3_EXTEND_CFG[1:0] in Table 66 for alternate configuration, LC/PWM_OUT). 1 = Row 3 2 R2_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 3 1 = Row 2 1 R1_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 2 1 = Row 1 0 R0_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 1/LY (see R0_EXTEND_CFG in Table 66 for alternate configuration, LY). 1 = Row 0 PIN_CONFIG_B Register 0x39 Table 65. PIN_CONFIG_B Bit Descriptions Bit(s) Bit Name Access Description 7 to 5 N/A Reserved. 4 C4_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 11 (see C4_EXTEND_CFG in Table 66 for alternate configuration, RESET2). 1 = Column 4. 3 C3_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 10. 1 = Column 3. 2 C2_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 9. 1 = Column 2. 1 C1_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 8. 1 = Column 1. 0 C0_CONFIG Read/write 0 = GPIO 7. 1 = Column 0. PIN_CONFIG_C Register 0x3A Table 66. PIN_CONFIG_D Bit Descriptions Bit(s) Bit Name Access Description 7 PULL_SELECT Read/write 0 = 300 kΩ resistor used for row pull-up during key scanning. 1 = 100 kΩ resistor used for row pull-up during key scanning. 6 C4_ EXTEND_CFG Read/write 0 = C4 remains configured as GPIO 11. 1 = C4 reconfigured as RESET2 output. |
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