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STA320 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - STMicroelectronics |
STA320 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - STMicroelectronics |
7 / 37 page 7/37 STA320 5.1 Configuration Register A (address 00h) 5.1.1 Master Clock Select The STA320 will support sample rates of 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48Khz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, Therefore the internal clock will be: – 32.768Mhz for 32kHz – 45.1584Mhz for 44.1khz, 88.2kHz and 176.4kHz – 49.152Mhz for 48kHz, 96kHz, and 192kHz The external clock frequency provided to the XTI pin must be a multiple of the input sample frequency(fs). The relationship between the input clock and the input sample rate is determined by both the MCSx and the IR (Input Rate) register bits. The MCSx bits determine the PLL factor generating the internal clock and the IR bit deter- mine the oversampling ratio used internally. Addr Name D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0x1C B2cf3 C2B7 C2B6 C2B5 C2B4 C2B3 C2B2 C2B1 C2B0 0x1D A1cf1 C3B23 C3B22 C3B21 C3B20 C3B19 C3B18 C3B17 C3B16 0x1E A1cf2 C3B15 C3B14 C3B13 C3B12 C3B11 C3B10 C3B9 C3B8 0x1F A1cf3 C3B7 C3B6 C3B5 C3B4 C3B3 C3B2 C3B1 C3B0 0x20 A2cf1 C4B23 C4B22 C4B21 C4B20 C4B19 C4B18 C4B17 C4B16 0x21 A2cf2 C4B15 C4B14 C4B13 C4B12 C4B11 C4B10 C4B9 C4B8 0x22 A2cf3 C4B7 C4B6 C4B5 C4B4 C4B3 C4B2 C4B1 C4B0 0x23 B0cf1 C5B23 C5B22 C5B21 C5B20 C5B19 C5B18 C5B17 C5B16 0x24 B0cf2 C5B15 C5B14 C5B13 C5B12 C5B11 C5B10 C5B9 C5B8 0x25 B0cf3 C5B7 C5B6 C5B5 C5B4 C5B3 C5B2 C5B1 C5B0 0x26 Cfud RA R1 WA W1 0x27 MPCC1 MPCC15 MPCC14 MPCC13 MPCC12 MPCC11 MPCC10 MPCC9 MPCC8 0x28 MPCC2 MPCC7 MPCC6 MPCC5 MPCC4 MPCC3 MPCC2 MPCC1 MPCC0 0x29 DCC1 DCC15 DCC14 DCC13 DCC12 DCC11 DCC10 DCC9 DCC8 0x2A DCC2 DCC7 DCC6 DCC5 DCC4 DCC3 DCC2 DCC1 DCC0 0x2B FDRC1 FDRC15 FDRC14 FDRC13 FDRC12 FDRC11 FDRC10 FDRC9 FDRC8 0x2C FDRC2 FDRC7 FDRC6 FDRC5 FDRC4 FDRC3 FDRC2 FDRC1 FDRC0 0x2D Status PLLUL OCWARN TFAULT FAULT TWARN 0x2E BC0 RESRES RESRES RESRES RES RES 0x2F BS0 RESRES RESRES RESRES BS9 BS8 0x30 BS1 RESRES RESRES RESRES RES RES 0x31 B1 RESRES RESRES RESRES RES RES 0x32 B2 RESRES RESRES RESRES RES RES 0x33 T RESRES RESRES RESRES RES RES D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 FDRB TWAB TFRB IR1 IR0 MCS2 MCS1 MCS0 0 1 1 000 11 BIT R/W RST NAME DESCRIPTION 0 R/W 1 MCS0 Master Clock Select : Selects the ratio between the input I2S sample frequency and the input clock. 1R/W 1 MCS1 2R/W 0 MCS2 Table 8. Register Summary (continued) |
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