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ADP5589ACBZ-02-R7 Datasheet(PDF) 46 Page - Analog Devices |
ADP5589ACBZ-02-R7 Datasheet(HTML) 46 Page - Analog Devices |
46 / 52 page ADP5589 Data Sheet Rev. B | Page 46 of 52 PIN_CONFIG_D Register 0x4C Table 84. PIN_CONFIG_D Bit Descriptions Bits Name R/W Description 7 PULL_SELECT R/W 0 = 300 kΩ used for row pull-up during key scanning. 1 = 100 kΩ used for row pull-up during key scanning. 6 C4_EXTEND_CFG R/W 0 = C4 remains configured as GPIO 13. 1 = C4 reconfigured as RESET2 output. 5 R4_EXTEND_CFG R/W 0 = R4 remains configured as GPIO 5. 1 = R4 reconfigured as RESET1 output. 4 C6_EXTEND_CFG R/W 0 = C6 remains configured as GPIO 15. 1 = C6 reconfigured as LC2 input for Logic Block 2. [3:2] R3_EXTEND_CFG[1:0] R/W 00 = R3 remains configured as GPIO 4. 01 = R3 reconfigured as LC1 input for Logic Block 1. 10 = R3 reconfigured as PWM_OUT/CLK_OUT outputs from PWM and clock divider blocks. 11 = unused. 1 C9_EXTEND_CFG R/W 0 = C9 remains configured as GPIO 18. 1 = C9 reconfigured as LY2 output from Logic Block 2. 0 R0_EXTEND_CFG R/W 0 = R0 remains configured as GPIO 1. 1 = R0 reconfigured as LY1 output from Logic Block 1. ADP5589AC_Z-00-R7, ADP5589AC_Z-02-R7 Default = 0000 0000 ADP5589AC_Z-01-R7 Default = 0010 0000 GENERAL_CFG_B Register 0x4D Table 85. GENERAL_CFG_B Bit Descriptions Bits Name R/W Description 7 OSC_EN R/W 0 = disable internal 1 MHz oscillator. 1 = enable internal 1 MHz oscillator. [6:5] CORE_FREQ[1:0] R/W Sets the input clock frequency fed from the base 1 MHz oscillator to the digital core. Slower frequencies result in less IDD. However, key and GPI scan times increase. 00 = 50 kHz. 01 = 100 kHz. 10 = 200 kHz. 11 = 500 kHz. 4 LCK_TRK_LOGIC R/W 0 = allow logic outputs (programmed for FIFO updates) to be tracked on the FIFO if the keypad is locked. 1 = do not track. 3 LCK_TRK_GPI R/W 0 = allow GPIs (programmed for FIFO updates) to be tracked on the FIFO if the keypad is locked. 1 = do not track. 2 Unused 1 INT_CFG R/W Configure the behavior of the INT pin if the user tries to clear it while an interrupt is pending. 0 = INT pin remains asserted if an interrupt is pending. 1 = INT pin deasserts for 50 µs and reasserts if an interrupt is pending. 0 RST_CFG R/W Configure the response ADP5589 has to the RST pin. 0 = ADP5589 resets if RST is low. 1 = ADP5589 does not reset if RST is low. |
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