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SARA-R5 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-R5
Description  LTE-M / NB-IoT modules with secure cloud
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
Direct Link  https://www.u-blox.com/
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SARA-R5 series - Data sheet
UBX-19016638 - R06
Page 15 of 43
UART interfaces
The SARA-R5 series modules include 1.8 V unbalanced asynchronous serial interfaces (UART) for
communication with external application host processor(s).
UART can be configured by dedicated AT command in the following variants:
Variant 0 (default configuration), consists of a single UART interface that supports AT
commands, data communication, multiplexer protocol functionality, FW update by means of
FOAT or by means of the u-blox EasyFlash tool, and provides the following lines:
data lines (RXD as output, TXD as input),
hardware flow control lines (CTS as output, RTS as input),
modem status and control lines (DTR as input, RI as output)
Variant 1, consists of a single UART interface that supports AT commands, data communication,
multiplexer protocol functionality, FW update by means of FOAT or by means of the u-blox
EasyFlash tool, and provides the following lines:
data lines (RXD as output, TXD as input),
hardware flow control lines (CTS as output, RTS as input),
modem status and control lines (DTR as input, DSR as output, DCD as output, RI as output)
Variants 2, 3 and 4, consists of two UART interfaces plus ring indicator function:
First primary UART interface supports AT commands, data communication, multiplexer
protocol functionality, FW update by means of FOAT or by means of the u-blox EasyFlash tool,
and provides the following lines:
data lines (RXD as output, TXD as input),
hardware flow control lines (CTS as output, RTS as input),
Second auxiliary UART interface supports AT commands (variant 2 only), data communication
(variant 2 only), FW update by means of FOAT (variant 2 only), diagnostic trace logging (variant
3 only), and GNSS tunneling (variant 4 only), and provides the following lines:
data lines (DCD as data output, DTR as data input),
hardware flow control lines (RI as flow control output, DSR as flow control input),
Ring indicator function over the GPIO pin configured with RI function (see section 2.7)
UART general features, valid for all variants, are:
Serial port with RS-232 functionality conforming to the ITU-T V.24 recommendation [8], with
CMOS compatible levels (0 V for low data bit or ON state, and 1.8 V for high data bit or OFF state)
Hardware flow control (default value) or none flow control are supported
UART power saving indication available on the hardware flow control output, if hardware flow
control is enabled: the line is driven to the OFF state when the module is not prepared to accept
data by the UART interface
One-shot autobauding is supported and it is enabled by default: automatic baud rate detection is
performed only once, at module start up. After the detection, the module works at the fixed baud
rate (the detected one) and the baud rate can only be changed via AT command (see SARA-R5
series AT commands manual [1])
Following baud rates are supported or can be detected by the one-shot autobauding: 9’600 bit/s,
19’200 bit/s, 38’400 bit/s, 57’600 bit/s, 115’200 bit/s, 230’400 bit/s, 460’800 bit/s, 921’600 bit/s
The default frame format is 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
The UART interfaces can be conveniently configured through AT commands. For more details, see
the SARA-R5 series AT commands manual [1] and SARA-R5 series system integration manual [2].
It is highly recommended to provide accessible test points directly connected to the TXD and RXD
pins for FW upgrade purpose.
Accessible test points directly connected to the DCD and DTR pins may be provided for diagnostic
purpose, alternatively to the highly recommended test points on the USB interface pins.

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