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SARA-R5 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-R5
Description  LTE-M / NB-IoT modules with secure cloud
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
Direct Link  https://www.u-blox.com/
Logo U-BLOX - u-blox AG

SARA-R5 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - u-blox AG

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SARA-R5 series - Data sheet
UBX-19016638 - R06
Functional description
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Functional description
SARA-R5 series modules are secure cloud LTE Cat M1, LTE Cat NB2 solutions based on u-blox's
UBX-R5 cellular chipset. The SARA-R500 secure cloud module (called “SARA-R500S” in this data
sheet) is the cost effective solution, the SARA-R510 secure cloud module (called “SARA-R510S” in this
data sheet) is optimized for extremely low power consumption in deep-sleep PSM, and the
SARA-R510M8 secure cloud module (called “SARA-R510M8S” in this data sheet) has an integrated
u-blox M8 GNSS receiver chip and a separate GNSS antenna interface.
The miniature SARA LGA form factor (26.0 x 16.0 mm, 96-pin) allows an easy integration into compact
designs and a seamless drop-in migration from other u-blox cellular module families.
SARA-R5 series modules are form-factor compatible with the u-blox LISA, LARA and TOBY cellular
module families and they are pin-to-pin compatible with the u-blox SARA-R4, SARA-N2, SARA-N3,
SARA-N4, SARA-G3, SARA-G4 and SARA-U2 cellular modules families. This facilitates migration from
other u-blox LPWA modules as well as from other u-blox GSM/GPRS, CDMA, UMTS/HSPA and higher
LTE categories modules, maximizing customer investments, simplifying logistics, and enabling very
short time-to-market.
SARA-R5 series modules provide software-based multi-band configurability enabling international
multi-regional coverage in LTE Cat M1 / NB2 radio access technologies, supporting a comprehensive
set of 3GPP Rel. 14 features that are relevant for IoT applications.
SARA-R5 series modules offer data communications up to 1200 kbit/s over an extended operating
temperature range of –40 °C to +85 °C, with low power consumption, and with coverage enhancement
for deeper range into buildings and basements (and underground with NB2).
With a discrete, hardware-based secure element and a lightweight pre-shared key management
system, u-blox offers state-of-the-art security that is ideal for IoT applications and includes local data
protection, zero touch provisioning, anti-cloning, and local secure chip-to-chip communication. With
many interface options and an integrated IP stack, SARA-R5 series modules are the optimal choice
for LPWA applications with low to medium data throughput rates, as well as devices that require long
battery lifetimes, such as used in smart metering, smart lighting, telematics, asset tracking, remote
monitoring, alarm panels, and connected healthcare.
Customers can future-proof their solutions by means of over-the-air firmware updates, thanks to the
uFOTA client/server solution that utilizes LwM2M, a light and compact protocol ideal for IoT.
The “00” products version of the SARA-R5 series modules do not support LTE NB-IoT.

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