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SARA-R5 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-R5
Description  LTE-M / NB-IoT modules with secure cloud
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
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SARA-R5 series - Data sheet
UBX-19016638 - R06
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2.3 System functions
Module power-on
When the SARA-R500S and SARA-R510M8S modules are not powered, they can be switched on as
Applying a voltage at the VCC module supply input within the operating range (see Table 9)
When the SARA-R510S modules are not powered, they can be switched on as following:
Applying a voltage at the VCC module supply input within the operating range (see Table 9), and
then forcing a low level at the PWR_ON input pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up,
for a valid time period (see section 4.2.6, module switch on).
When the SARA-R5 series modules are in power-off mode (i.e. switched off, but with a valid voltage
present at the VCC module supply input within the operating range reported in Table 9), they can be
switched on as following:
Forcing a low level at the PWR_ON input pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up, for
a valid time period (see section 4.2.6, module switch on).
When the SARA-R5 series modules are in low power PSM deep-sleep mode, with a valid voltage
present at the VCC module supply input within the operating range reported in Table 9, they can be
woken up as following:
Forcing a low level at the PWR_ON input pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up, for
a valid time period (see section 4.2.6, module wake-up from PSM deep-sleep).
The PWR_ON line is intended to be driven by open drain, open collector or contact switch.
It is recommended to provide accessible test point directly connected to the PWR_ON input pin.
2.3.2 Module power-off
SARA-R5 series can be properly switched off, saving current parameter settings in the module’s
non-volatile memory and performing a proper network detach, by:
AT+CPWROFF command (see the SARA-R5 series AT commands manual [1])
Forcing a low pulse at the PWR_ON input pin, for a valid time period (see section 4.2.6, module
normal graceful switch-off)
A fast emergency shutdown procedure of the modules, without storage of the current parameter
settings in the module’s non-volatile memory and without proper network detach, can be triggered by
Toggling the GPIO input pin configured with fast emergency shutdown function (see section 2.7,
module fast emergency shutdown)
An abrupt under-voltage shutdown occurs on SARA-R5 series modules when the VCC supply is
removed. If this occurs, it is not possible to store the current parameter settings in the module’s
non-volatile memory or to perform the proper network detach.
An over-temperature or an under-temperature shutdown occurs on the SARA-R5 series modules
when the temperature measured within the module reaches the dangerous area, if the optional Smart
Temperature Supervisor feature is enabled and configured by the dedicated AT command. For more
details, see the SARA-R5 series system integration manual [2] and the SARA-R5 series AT commands
manual [1].

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