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M28W640ECT Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M28W640ECT Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - STMicroelectronics |
14 / 55 page M28W640ECT, M28W640ECB 14/55 locked-down) state when the device is reset on power-down. Table. 10 shows the protection sta- tus after issuing a Block Lock-Down command. Refer to the section, Block Locking, for a detailed explanation. Table 4. Commands Note: 1. X = Don’t Care, RA=Read Address, RD=Read Data, SRD=Status Register Data, ID=Identifier (Manufacture and Device Code), QA=Query Address, QD=Query Data, BA=Block Address, PA=Program Address, PD=Program Data, PRA=Protection Register Ad- dress, PRD=Protection Register Data. 2. The signature addresses are listed in Tables 5, 6 and 7. 3. Program Addresses 1 and 2 must be consecutive Addresses differing only for A0. 4. Program Addresses 1,2,3 and 4 must be consecutive Addresses differing only for A0 and A1. 5. To be characterized. Table 5. Read Electronic Signature Note: RP = VIH. Commands Bus Write Operations 1st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle 4th Cycle 5th Cycle Op. Add Data Op. Add Data Op. Add Data Op. Add Data Op. Add Data Read Memory Array 1+ Write X FFh Read RA RD Read Status Register 1+ Write X 70h Read X SRD Read Electronic Signature 1+ Write X 90h Read SA(2) IDh Read CFI Query 1+ Write X 98h Read QA QD Erase 2 Write X 20h Write BA D0h Program 2 Write X 40h or 10h Write PA PD Double Word Program(3) 3 Write X 30h Write PA1 PD1 Write PA2 PD2 Quadruple Word Program(4) 5 Write X 56h(5) Write PA1 PD1 Write PA2 PD2 Write PA3 PD3 Write PA4 PD4 Clear Status Register 1 Write X 50h Program/Erase Suspend 1Write X B0h Program/Erase Resume 1Write X D0h Block Lock 2 Write X 60h Write BA 01h Block Unlock 2 Write X 60h Write BA D0h Block Lock-Down 2 Write X 60h Write BA 2Fh Protection Register Program 2 Write X C0h Write PRA PRD Code Device E G W A0 A1 A2-A7 A8-A21 DQ0-DQ7 DQ8-DQ15 Manufacture Code VIL VIL VIH VIL VIL 0 Don’t Care 20h 00h Device Code M28W640ECT VIL VIL VIH VIH VIL 0 Don’t Care 48h 88h M28W640ECB VIL VIL VIH VIH VIL 0 Don’t Care 49h 88h |
Similar Part No. - M28W640ECT |
Similar Description - M28W640ECT |
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