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TDA7293 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - STMicroelectronics |
TDA7293 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - STMicroelectronics |
6 / 13 page INTRODUCTION In consumer electronics, an increasing demand has arisen for very high power monolithic audio amplifiers able to match, with a low cost, the per- formance obtained from the best discrete de- signs. The task of realizing this linear integrated circuit in conventional bipolar technology is made ex- tremely difficult by the occurence of 2nd break- down phoenomenon. It limits the safe operating area (SOA) of the power devices, and, as a con- sequence, the maximum attainable output power, especially in presence of highly reactive loads. Moreover, full exploitation of the SOA translates into a substantial increase in circuit and layout complexity due to the need of sophisticated pro- tection circuits. To overcome these substantial drawbacks, the use of power MOS devices, which are immune from secondary breakdown is highly desirable. The device described has therefore been devel- oped in a mixed bipolar-MOS high voltage tech- nology called BCDII 100/120. 1) Output Stage The main design task in developping a power op- erational amplifier, independently of the technol- ogy used, is that of realization of the output stage. The solution shown as a principle shematic by Fig3 represents the DMOS unity - gain output buffer of the TDA7293. This large-signal, high-power buffer must be ca- pable of handling extremely high current and volt- age levels while maintaining acceptably low har- monic distortion and good behaviour over frequency response; moreover, an accurate con- trol of quiescent current is required. A local linearizing feedback, provided by differen- tial amplifier A, is used to fullfil the above require- ments, allowing a simple and effective quiescent current setting. Proper biasing of the power output transistors alone is however not enough to guarantee the ab- sence of crossover distortion. While a linearization of the DC transfer charac- teristic of the stage is obtained, the dynamic be- haviour of the system must be taken into account. A significant aid in keeping the distortion contrib- uted by the final stage as low as possible is pro- vided by the compensation scheme, which ex- ploits the direct connection of the Miller capacitor at the amplifier’s output to introduce a local AC feedback path enclosing the output stage itself. 2) Protections In designing a power IC, particular attention must be reserved to the circuits devoted to protection of the device from short circuit or overload condi- tions. Due to the absence of the 2nd breakdown phe- nomenon, the SOA of the power DMOS transis- tors is delimited only by a maximum dissipation curve dependent on the duration of the applied stimulus. In order to fully exploit the capabilities of the power transistors, the protection scheme imple- mented in this device combines a conventional SOA protection circuit with a novel local tempera- ture sensing technique which ” dynamically” con- trols the maximum dissipation. Figure 3: Principle Schematic of a DMOS unity-gain buffer. TDA7293 6/13 |
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