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L298 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - STMicroelectronics |
L298 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - STMicroelectronics |
3 / 13 page PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to the block diagram) MW. 15 Po werSO Name Fun ction 1;15 2;19 Sense A; Sense B Between this pin and ground is connected the sense resistor to control the current of the load. 2;3 4;5 Out 1; Out 2 Outputs of the Bridge A; the current that flows through the load connected between these two pins is monitored at pin 1. 46 VS Supply Voltage for the Power Output Stages. A non-inductive 100nF capacitor must be connected between this pin and ground. 5;7 7;9 Input 1; Input 2 TTL Compatible Inputs of the Bridge A. 6;11 8;14 Enable A; Enable B TTL Compatible Enable Input: the L state disables the bridge A (enable A) and/or the bridge B (enable B). 8 1,10,11,20 GND Ground. 9 12 VSS Supply Voltage for the Logic Blocks. A100nF capacitor must be connected between this pin and ground. 10; 12 13;15 Input 3; Input 4 TTL Compatible Inputs of the Bridge B. 13; 14 16;17 Out 3; Out 4 Outputs of the Bridge B. The current that flows through the load connected between these two pins is monitored at pin 15. – 3;18 N.C. Not Connected ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = 42V; VSS = 5V, Tj =25 °C; unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Co ndi tions Min . Typ . Max. Uni t VS Supply Voltage (pin 4) Operative Condition VIH +2.5 46 V VSS Logic Supply Voltage (pin 9) 4.5 5 7 V IS Quiescent Supply Current (pin 4) Ven =H; IL =0 Vi =L Vi =H 13 50 22 70 mA mA Ven =L Vi =X 4 mA ISS Quiescent Current from VSS (pin 9) Ven =H; IL =0 Vi =L Vi =H 24 7 36 12 mA mA Ven =L Vi =X 6 mA ViL Input Low Voltage (pins 5, 7, 10, 12) –0.3 1.5 V ViH Input High Voltage (pins 5, 7, 10, 12) 2.3 VSS V IiL Low Voltage Input Current (pins 5, 7, 10, 12) Vi = L –10 µA IiH High Voltage Input Current (pins 5, 7, 10, 12) Vi = H ≤ VSS –0.6V 30 100 µA Ven = L Enable Low Voltage (pins 6, 11) –0.3 1.5 V Ven = H Enable High Voltage (pins 6, 11) 2.3 VSS V Ien = L Low Voltage Enable Current (pins 6, 11) Ven = L –10 µA Ien = H High Voltage Enable Current (pins 6, 11) Ven =H ≤ VSS –0.6V 30 100 µA VCEsat(H) Source Saturation Voltage IL =1A IL =2A 0.95 1.35 2 1.7 2.7 V V VCEsat(L) Sink Saturation Voltage IL = 1A (5) IL = 2A (5) 0.85 1.2 1.7 1.6 2.3 V V VCEsat Total Drop IL = 1A (5) IL = 2A (5) 1.80 3.2 4.9 V V Vsens Sensing Voltage (pins 1, 15) –1 (1) 2 V L298 3/13 |
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