GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z86C93 is a CMOS ROMless Z8 microcontroller enhanced with a hardwired 16-bit x 16-bit multiplier, 32-bit/16-bit divider, and three 16-bit counter timers (see Functional Block Diagram). A capture register and a fast decrement mode are also provided. It is offered in 40-pin PDIP, 44-pin PLCC, 44-pin QFP, and 48-pin VQFP packages. The Z86C93 is functionally compatible with the Z86C91, yet it offers a more powerful mathematical capability. In the PDIP package, the Z86C93 is fully pin compatible with the Z86C91. In the PLCC package, the Z86C93 is also pin compatible to the Z86C91, with the addition of four signals (SCLK, /IACK, /SYNC, and /WAIT). The /WAIT signal is only available on the 25 MHz and 33 MHz devices.