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RFFM4503 Datasheet (PDF) - RF Micro Devices

RFFM4503 Datasheet PDF - RF Micro Devices
Part # RFFM4503
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File Size   354.92 Kbytes
Page   9 Pages
Manufacturer  RFMD [RF Micro Devices]
Direct Link  http://www.rfmd.com
Logo RFMD - RF Micro Devices
Description 4.9GHz to 5.85GHz 802.11a/n/ac Wi-Fi Front End Module

RFFM4503 Datasheet (PDF)

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RFFM4503 Datasheet PDF - RF Micro Devices

Part # RFFM4503
Download  RFFM4503 Click to download

File Size   354.92 Kbytes
Page   9 Pages
Manufacturer  RFMD [RF Micro Devices]
Direct Link  http://www.rfmd.com
Logo RFMD - RF Micro Devices
Description 4.9GHz to 5.85GHz 802.11a/n/ac Wi-Fi Front End Module

RFFM4503 Datasheet (HTML) - RF Micro Devices

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About RF Micro Devices

RF Micro Devices (RFMD) was an American company that specialized in the design and manufacture of radio frequency (RF) components and solutions for wireless communications. The company was founded in 1991 and was headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina. RFMD provided a wide range of products including power amplifiers, transceivers, filters, and other RF components that were used in mobile devices, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, and other wireless systems.

RFMD was known for its expertise in RF technology and its ability to provide innovative and high-performance products. The company had a strong focus on research and development and was actively involved in the development of new technologies and solutions for the wireless industry. RFMD's products were widely used in a variety of applications and helped support the growth of the wireless industry.

In 2015, RFMD was acquired by Skyworks Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of high-performance analog semiconductors. The acquisition allowed Skyworks to expand its product portfolio and offerings in the RF market and further strengthen its position in the wireless industry.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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