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DS1075 Datasheet (PDF) - Dallas Semiconductor

DS1075 Datasheet PDF - Dallas Semiconductor
Part # DS1075
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File Size   251.7 Kbytes
Page   18 Pages
Manufacturer  DALLAS [Dallas Semiconductor]
Direct Link  https://www.maximintegrated.com/en.html
Logo DALLAS - Dallas Semiconductor
Description EconOscillator/Divider

DS1075 Datasheet (PDF)

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DS1075 Datasheet PDF - Dallas Semiconductor

Part # DS1075
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File Size   251.7 Kbytes
Page   18 Pages
Manufacturer  DALLAS [Dallas Semiconductor]
Direct Link  https://www.maximintegrated.com/en.html
Logo DALLAS - Dallas Semiconductor
Description EconOscillator/Divider

DS1075 Datasheet (HTML) - Dallas Semiconductor

DS1075 Product details

The DS1075 is a fixed frequency oscillator requiring no external components for operation. Numerous operating frequencies are possible in the range of approximately 30 KHz to 100 MHz through the use of an on-chip programmable prescaler and divider.
The DS1075 features a master oscillator followed by a prescaler and then a programmable divider. The prescaler and programmable divider are user-programmable with the desired values being stored in nonvolatile memory. This allows the user to buy an off the shelf component and program it on site prior to board production. Design changes can be readily accommodated by programming, or reprogramming, the desired values into the on-chip nonvolatile registers. Evaluation boards, DS1075K and DS1070K are available to simplify this task.
The DS1075 is shipped from the factory configured for half the maximum operating frequency. Contact the factory for specially programmed devices. As alternatives to the on-board oscillator an external clock signal or a crystal may be used as a reference. The choice of reference source (internal or external) is user-selectable at the time of programming (or on the fly if the SEL mode is chosen).
The DS1075 features a dual-purpose Input/Output pin. If the device is powered up in Program mode this pin can be used to input serial data to the on-chip registers. After a Write command this data is stored in nonvolatile memory. When the chip is subsequently powered up in operating mode these values are automatically restored to the on-chip registers and the Input/Output pin becomes the oscillator output. The DS1075 is available in 8-pin DIP or SOIC packages, allowing the generation of a clock signal easily, economically and using minimal board area.

■ Dual Fixed frequency outputs
   (30 KHz - 100 MHz)
■ User-programmable on-chip dividers
   (from 1 - 513)
■ User-programmable on-chip prescaler
   (1, 2, 4)
■ No external components
■ ±0.5% Initial tolerance
■ ±1% variation over temperature and voltage
■ Internal clock, External clock or crystal reference options
■ Single 5V supply
■ Power-down mode
■ Synchronous output gating

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About Dallas Semiconductor

Dallas Semiconductor was an American company that was founded in 1984 and was a supplier of mixed-signal and digital semiconductors.
The company was headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and was known for its innovative products and technology in the field of real-time clocks, temperature sensors, and other integrated circuits.
In 2002, Dallas Semiconductor was acquired by Maxim Integrated, a multinational semiconductor company, and became a subsidiary of Maxim.
The Dallas Semiconductor brand is no longer in use, but its products and technology continue to be a part of Maxim's portfolio.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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