DESCRIPTION The TDA9109/SN is a monolithic integrated circuit assembledin 32-pinshrink dual in line plastic package. This IC controls all the functionsrelated to the horizontal and vertical deflection in multimode or multi-frequency computer display monitors. Theinternalsyncprocessor,combinedwith the very powerful geometry correction block make the TDA9109/SN suitable for very high performance monitors, using very few external components. The horizontaljitter levelisverylow. It is particularly well suited for high-end 15” and 17” monitors. Combined with the ST7275 Microcontroller family, TDA9206 (Video preamplifier) and STV942x (On-Screen Display controller) the TDA9109/SN allows fully I2C bus controlled computer display monitors to be built with a reduced number of external components. HORIZONTAL ■ SELF-ADAPTATIVE ■ DUAL PLL CONCEPT ■ 150kHz MAXIMUM FREQUENCY ■ X-RAY PROTECTION INPUT ■ I2C CONTROLS : H-POSITION, FREQUENCY GENERATORFORBURN-IN MODE VERTICAL ■ VERTICAL RAMP GENERATOR ■ 50 TO 185Hz AGC LOOP ■ GEOMETRY TRACKING WITH VPOS & VAMP ■ I2C CONTROLS : VAMP, VPOS, S-CORR, C-CORR ■ DC BREATHING COMPENSATION I2C GEOMETRY CORRECTIONS ■ VERTICAL PARABOLA GENERATOR (Pin Cushion - E/W, Keystone, Corner) ■ HORIZONTAL DYNAMIC PHASE (Side Pin Balance & Parallelogram) ■ VERTICAL DYNAMIC FOCUS (Vertical Focus Amplitude) GENERAL ■ SYNC PROCESSOR ■ 12V SUPPLY VOLTAGE ■ 8V REFERENCE VOLTAGE ■ HOR. & VERT. LOCK/UNLOCK OUTPUTS ■ READ/WRITE I2C INTERFACE ■ HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOIRE ■ B+ REGULATOR - INTERNAL PWM GENERATOR FOR B+ CURRENT MODE STEP-UP CONVERTER - SOFT START - I2C ADJUSTABLEB+ REFERENCE VOLTAGE - OUTPUT PULSES SYNCHRONIZED ON HORIZONTAL FREQUENCY - INTERNALMAXIMUMCURRENTLIMITATION ■ COMPARED WITH THE TDA9109, THE TDA9109/SN HAS : - CORNER CORRECTION, - HORIZONTAL MOIRÉ, - B+ SOFT START, - INCREASED MAX.VERTICALFREQUENCY, - NO HORIZONTAL FOCUS, - NO STEPDOWNOPTIONFOR DC/DC CONVERTER, - NO I2C FREE RUNNING ADJUSTMENT, - FIXED HORIZONTAL DUTY CYCLE (48%), - INCREASED MAXIMUM STORAGE TIME OF THE HORIZONTAL SCANNING TRANSISTOR.