Product description
LARA-R6 series modules provide global and multi-regional
coverage in a very small form factor, thereby reducing logistics
complexity and increasing design flexibility. Three different
product variants provide flexibility for band use and access
technology by region, and include all relevant MNO certifications.
All modules in the series support receive-diversity, making them
the ideal choice for deployment in North America, as well as for
a diverse set of applications with demanding requirements for
reliable performance in difficult coverage conditions or those
that require voice functionality via VoLTE. The modules are
also secure by design with a root of trust, secure boot, secure
updates, and secure communications ((D)TLS) functionality.
Security is regularly updated via maintenance releases to keep
your device running and protected from attacks.
LARA-R6001 is the smallest LTE Cat 1 multi-mode module
with global coverage available in the market. As a single SKU, it
provides universal connectivity and greatly simplifies logistics.
This truly global module has 18 LTE bands plus 3G/2G fallback.
LARA-R6401 provides an ideal LTE Cat 1 solution for North
America, as it supports all relevant LTE bands and is designed
for use on AT&T, Verizon, FirstNet, or T-Mobile. Managing a
single SKU for the North American market simplifies logistics
and reduces associated costs.
LARA-R6801 is a multi-regional variant specifically designed
for use in EMEA/APAC/Japan and LATAM regions, supporting
all relevant LTE bands and technologies.
With the three regional variants, you can maximize the reuse of
development efforts. Versatile interfaces, features, multi-band
and multi-mode capabilities make LARA-R6 ideally suited for
a wide range of applications that require medium data speed,
seamless connectivity, superior coverage, low latency and
streaming data or voice. They include asset tracking, telematics,
remote monitoring, alarm panels, video surveillance, connected
health, and point-of-sale terminals.
Universal connectivity and reliable performance in smallest form factor
• Reduce logistics complexity with three regional product variants and extensive MNO certifications
• Any region, any band, any technology for simple roaming anywhere in the world
• World's smallest LTE Cat 1 module with global coverage, ideal for size-constrained devices
• Receive-diversity for reliable performance in difficult conditions
• Secure by design to always keep your device running and updated