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SC16IS741A Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors

SC16IS741A Datasheet PDF - NXP Semiconductors
Part # SC16IS741A
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File Size   505.09 Kbytes
Page   55 Pages
Manufacturer  NXP [NXP Semiconductors]
Direct Link  http://www.nxp.com
Logo NXP - NXP Semiconductors
Description Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 64 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support

SC16IS741A Datasheet (PDF)

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SC16IS741A Datasheet PDF - NXP Semiconductors

Part # SC16IS741A
Download  SC16IS741A Click to download

File Size   505.09 Kbytes
Page   55 Pages
Manufacturer  NXP [NXP Semiconductors]
Direct Link  http://www.nxp.com
Logo NXP - NXP Semiconductors
Description Single UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 64 bytes of transmit and receive FIFOs, IrDA SIR built-in support

SC16IS741A Datasheet (HTML) - NXP Semiconductors

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SC16IS741A Product details

General description
The SC16IS741A1 is a slave I2C-bus/SPI interface to a single-channel high performance
UART. It offers data rates up to 5 Mbit/s and guarantees low operating and sleeping
current. The device comes in the TSSOP16 package, which makes it ideally suitable for
handheld, battery operated applications. This device enables seamless protocol
conversion from I2C-bus or SPI to and RS-232/RS-485 and are fully bidirectional.
The SC16IS741A’s internal register set is backward-compatible with the widely used and
widely popular 16C450. This allows the software to be easily written or ported from
another platform.
The SC16IS741A also provides additional advanced features such as auto hardware and
software flow control, automatic RS-485 support, and software reset. This allows the
software to reset the UART at any moment, independent of the hardware reset signal.

Features and benefits
2.1 General features
 Single full-duplex UART
 Selectable I2C-bus or SPI interface
 3.3 V or 2.5 V operation
 Industrial temperature range: 40 C to +95 C
 64 bytes FIFO (transmitter and receiver)
 Fully compatible with industrial standard 16C450 and equivalent
 Baud rates up to 5 Mbit/s in 16 clock mode
 Auto hardware flow control using RTS/CTS
 Auto software flow control with programmable Xon/Xoff characters
 Single or double Xon/Xoff characters
 Automatic RS-485 support (automatic slave address detection)
 RS-485 driver direction control via RTS signal
 RS-485 driver direction control inversion
 Built-in IrDA encoder and decoder interface
 Software reset
 Transmitter and receiver can be enabled/disabled independent of each other
 Receive and Transmit FIFO levels
 Programmable special character detection
 Fully programmable character formatting
 5-bit, 6-bit, 7-bit or 8-bit character
 Even, odd, or no parity
 1, 11⁄2, or 2 stop bits
 Line break generation and detection
 Internal Loopback mode
 Sleep current less than 30 A at 3.3 V
 Industrial and commercial temperature ranges
 Available in the TSSOP16 package
2.2 I2C-bus features
 Noise filter on SCL/SDA inputs
 400 kbit/s maximum speed
 Compliant with I2C-bus fast speed
 Slave mode only
2.3 SPI features
 Slave mode only
SPI Mode 0

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About NXP Semiconductors

NXP Semiconductors is a publicly traded multinational company that designs, develops, and manufactures a wide range of semiconductors and integrated circuits for various applications, including automotive, industrial, communications, and consumer markets.

The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

NXP offers a broad portfolio of products, including microcontrollers, microprocessors, secure authentication ICs, power management ICs, RF and microwave components, and sensor solutions, among others.

The company's products are designed to be energy efficient, secure, and reliable, and are used in a variety of applications, including automotive systems, industrial automation and control, smart homes and buildings, and connected devices.

NXP is dedicated to innovation and customer satisfaction, and is committed to providing its customers with the best semiconductor solutions to meet their needs.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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