2N3904 is a commonly used NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in electronic circuits for amplification and switching applications. It is a small signal transistor with a maximum collector current of 200 mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 40 V.
Some of the technical specifications of the 2N3904 are:
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 40V
Maximum Collector Current: 200mA
Maximum Power Dissipation: 625mW
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage: 0.2V
Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage: 0.65V
Input Capacitance: 4pF
Output Capacitance: 8pF
Transition Frequency: 250MHz
Package: TO-92
The 2N3904 can be used in a variety of electronic circuits, such as amplifiers, switch drivers, and general-purpose switching applications. Its high transition frequency makes it suitable for use in high-frequency applications, while its low input and output capacitances make it ideal for use in circuits where fast switching is required.
Overall, the 2N3904 is a widely used transistor due to its low cost, availability, and versatility. Its small size and wide range of applications make it an essential component in many electronic circuits.