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DS1087L Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Dallas Semiconductor |
DS1087L Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Dallas Semiconductor |
11 / 12 page 3.3V Spread-Spectrum EconOscillator ____________________________________________________________________ 11 Application Information Power-Supply Decoupling To achieve the best results when using the DS1087L, decouple the power supply with 0.01µF and 0.1µF high-quality, ceramic, surface-mount capacitors. Surface-mount components minimize lead inductance, which improves performance, and ceramic capacitors tend to have adequate high-frequency response for decoupling applications. These capacitors should be placed as close to the VCC and GND pins as possible. Stand-alone Mode SCL and SDA cannot be left floating even in stand- alone mode. If the DS1087L never needs to be pro- grammed in-circuit, including during production testing, SDA and SCL can be wired high. SDA SCL tHD:STA tLOW tHIGH tR tF tBUF tHD:DAT tSU:DAT REPEATED START tSU:STA tHD:STA tSU:STO tSP STOP START Figure 5. 2-Wire AC Characteristics SLAVE ACK 10 1 1 R/W A0* A1* SLAVE ACK A2* MSB LSB DEVICE IDENTIFIER DEVICE ADDRESS READ/ WRITE MSB LSB COMMAND/REGISTER ADDRESS SLAVE ACK MSB LSB b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 SLAVE ACK STOP *THE ADDRESS DETERMINED BY A0, A1, AND A2 MUST MATCH THE ADDRESS SET IN THE ADDR REGISTER. DATA TYPICAL 2-WIRE WRITE TRANSACTION EXAMPLE 2-WIRE TRANSACTIONS (WHEN A0, A1, AND A2 ARE ZERO) A) SINGLE BYTE WRITE -WRITE PRESCALER REGISTER TO 128 B) SINGLE BYTE READ -READ PRESCALER REGISTER START START START B0h B0h SLAVE ACK SLAVE ACK 02h 02h SLAVE ACK SLAVE ACK DATA SLAVE ACK STOP 10110000 10110000 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 00000010 10000000 10000000 00000010 REPEATED START DATA MASTER NACK STOP SLAVE ACK 10110001 B1h Figure 6. 2-Wire Transactions |
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Similar Description - DS1087L |
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