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UPD780138 Datasheet(PDF) 73 Page - NEC |
UPD780138 Datasheet(HTML) 73 Page - NEC |
73 / 558 page CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE User’s Manual U16228EJ2V0UD 73 3.2.3 Special Function Registers (SFRs) Unlike a general-purpose register, each special function register has a special function. SFRs are allocated to the FF00H to FFFFH area. Special function registers can be manipulated like general-purpose registers, using operation, transfer and bit manipulation instructions. The manipulatable bit units, 1, 8, and 16, depend on the special function register type. Each manipulation bit unit can be specified as follows. • 1-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 1-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfr.bit). This manipulation can also be specified with an address. • 8-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 8-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfr). This manipulation can also be specified with an address. • 16-bit manipulation Describe the symbol reserved by the assembler for the 16-bit manipulation instruction operand (sfrp). When specifying an address, describe an even address. Table 3-6 gives a list of the special function registers. The meanings of items in the table are as follows. • Symbol Symbol indicating the address of a special function register. It is a reserved word in the RA78K0, and is defined by the header file “sfrbit.h” in the CC78K0. When using the RA78K0, ID78K0-NS, ID78K0, or SM78K0, symbols can be written as an instruction operand. • R/W Indicates whether the corresponding special function register can be read or written. R/W: Read/write enable R: Read only W: Write only • Manipulatable bit units Indicates the manipulatable bit unit (1, 8, or 16). “ −” indicates a bit unit for which manipulation is not possible. • After reset Indicates each register status upon RESET input. |
Similar Part No. - UPD780138 |
Similar Description - UPD780138 |
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