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AD4000 Datasheet(PDF) 25 Page - Analog Devices

Part # AD4000
Description  Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs
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Rev. C | Page 25 of 36
The SCK rate must be sufficiently fast to ensure that the
conversion result is clocked out before another conversion is
initiated. The minimum required SCK rate for an application
can be derived based on the sample period (tCYC), the number of
bits that must be read (including data and optional status bits),
and which digital interface mode is used. Timing diagrams and
explanations for each digital interface mode are given in the
digital modes of operation sections (see the CS Mode, 3-Wire
Turbo Mode section through the Daisy-Chain Mode section).
Status bits can also be clocked out at the end of the conversion
data if the status bits are enabled in the configuration register.
There are six status bits in total as described in Table 15.
The AD4000/AD4004/AD4008 are configured by 16-bit SPI writes
to the desired configuration register. The 16-bit word can be
written via the SDI line while CNV is held low. The 16-bit word
consists of an 8-bit header and 8-bit register data. For isolated
systems, the ADuM141D is recommended, which can support
the 70 MHz SCK rate required to run the AD4000 at its full
throughput of 2 MSPS.
The AD4000/AD4004/AD4008 register bits are programmable
and their default statuses are shown in Table 12. The register map
is shown in Table 14. The OV clamp flag is a read only sticky bit,
and it is cleared only if the register is read and the overvoltage
condition is no longer present. The OV clamp flag gives an
indication of overvoltage condition when it is set to 0.
Table 12. Register Bits
Register Bits
Default Status
OV Clamp Flag
1 bit, 1 = inactive (default)
Span Compression
1 bit, 0 = disabled (default)
High-Z Mode
1 bit, 0 = disabled (default)
Turbo Mode
1 bit, 0 = disabled (default)
Enable Six Status Bits
1 bit, 0 = disabled (default)
All access to the register map must start with a write to the 8-bit
command register in the SPI interface block. The AD4000/
AD4004/AD4008 ignore all 1s until the first 0 is clocked in
(represented by WEN in Figure 46, Figure 47, and Table 12);
the value loaded into the command register is always a 0
followed by seven command bits. This command determines
whether that operation is a write or a read. The AD4000/AD4004/
AD4008 command register is shown in Table 13.
Table 13. Command Register
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
All register read/writes must occur while CNV is low. Data on
SDI is clocked in on the rising edge of SCK. Data on SDO is
clocked out on the falling edge of SCK. At the end of the data
transfer, SDO is put in a high impedance state on the rising
edge of CNV if daisy-chain mode is not enabled. If daisy-chain
mode is enabled, SDO goes low on the rising edge of CNV.
Register reads are not allowed in daisy-chain mode.
A register write requires three signal lines: SCK, CNV, and SDI.
During a register write, to read the current conversion results
on SDO, the CNV pin must be brought low after the conversion
is completed; otherwise, the conversion results may be incorrect
on SDO. However, the register write occurs regardless.
The LSB of each configuration register is reserved because a
user reading 16-bit conversion data may be limited to a 16-bit
SPI frame. The state of SDI on the last bit in the SDI frame may
be the state that then persists when CNV rises. Because interface
mode is partly set based on the SDI state when CNV rises, in
this scenario, the user may need to set the final SDI state.
The timing diagrams in Figure 46 through Figure 48 show how
data is read and written when the AD4000/AD4004/AD4008 are
configured in register read, write, and daisy-chain mode.
Table 14. Register Map
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Enable six
status bits
High-Z mode
OV clamp flag (read only
sticky bit)

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