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TPA3221 Datasheet(PDF) 27 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPA3221
Description  100-W Stereo, 200-W Mono HD-Audio, Analog-Input, Class-D Amplifier
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Typical Applications (continued) Design Requirements
For this design example, use the parameters in Table 7.
Table 7. Design Requirements, BTL Application
ExternalLow Power Supply
5 V
High Power Supply
7 - 30 V
Analog Inputs
IN1_M = ±3.9V (peak, max)
IN1_P = ±3.9V (peak, max)
IN2_M = ±3.9V (peak, max)
IN2_P = ±3.9V (peak, max)
Output Filters
Inductor-Capacitor Low Pass FIlter (10 µH + 1 µF)
Speaker Impedance
3 - 8 Ω Detailed Design Procedures
A rising-edge transition on RESET input allows the device to execute the startup sequence and starts switching.
A toggling OTW_CLIP signal is indicating that the output is approaching clipping. The signal can be used either
to decrease audio volume or to control an intelligent power supply nominally operating at a low rail adjusting to a
higher supply rail.
The device is inverting the audio signal from input to output.
The AVDD pin is not recommended to be used as a voltage source for external circuitry when internal LDO is
enabled (VDD
≥ 7 V).
Decoupling Capacitor Recommendations
In order to design an amplifier that has robust performance, passes regulatory requirements, and exhibits good
audio performance, good quality decoupling capacitors should be used. In practice, X7R should be used in this
The voltage of the decoupling capacitors should be selected in accordance with good design practices.
Temperature, ripple current, and voltage overshoot must be considered. This fact is particularly true in the
selection of the 1μF that is placed on the power supply to each full-bridge. It must withstand the voltage
overshoot of the PWM switching, the heat generated by the amplifier during high power output, and the ripple
current created by high power output. A minimum voltage rating of 50 V is required for use with a 30 V power
PVDD Capacitor Recommendation
The large capacitors used in conjunction with each full-bridge, are referred to as the PVDD Capacitors. These
capacitors should be selected for proper voltage margin and adequate capacitance to support the power
requirements. In practice, with a well designed system power supply, 470 μF, 50 V supports most applications.
The PVDD capacitors should be low ESR type because they are used in a circuit associated with high-speed
BST capacitors
To ensure large enough bootstrap energy storage for the high side gate drive to work correct with all audio
source signals, 33 nF / 50V X7R BST capacitors are recomemnded.
PCB Material Recommendation
FR-4 Glass Epoxy material with 2 oz. (70 μm) copper is recommended for use with the TPA3221. The use of this
material can provide for higher power output, improved thermal performance, and better EMI margin (due to
lower PCB trace inductance.

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