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LMR23630AFDDA Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # LMR23630AFDDA
Description  SIMPLE SWITCHER 36-V, 3-A Synchronous Step-Down Converter
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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Copyright © 2015–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
1. Inductance value is calculated based on VIN = 36 V.
2. All the COUT values are after derating. Add more when using ceramic capacitors.
3. RFBT = 0 Ω for VOUT = 1 V. RFBB = 22.1 kΩ for all other VOUT setting.
4. or designs with RFBT other than recommended value, please adjust CFF such that (CFF × RFBT) is unchanged
and adjust RFBB such that (RFBT / RFBB) is unchanged.
9.2.1 Design Requirements
Detailed design procedure is described based on a design example. For this design example, use the
parameters listed in Table 3 as the input parameters.
Table 3. Design Example Parameters
Input voltage, VIN
12 V typical, range from 8 V to 28 V
Output voltage, VOUT
5 V
Maximum output current IO_MAX
3 A
Transient response 0.2 A to 2.5 A
Output voltage ripple
50 mV
Input voltage ripple
400 mV
Switching frequency fSW
400 kHz
9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure Custom Design With WEBENCH® Tools
Click here to create a custom design using the LMR23625 device with the WEBENCH® Power Designer.
1. Start by entering the input voltage (VIN), output voltage (VOUT), and output current (IOUT) requirements.
2. Optimize the design for key parameters such as efficiency, footprint, and cost using the optimizer dial.
3. Compare the generated design with other possible solutions from Texas Instruments.
The WEBENCH Power Designer provides a customized schematic along with a list of materials with real-time
pricing and component availability.
In most cases, these actions are available:
Run electrical simulations to see important waveforms and circuit performance
Run thermal simulations to understand board thermal performance
Export customized schematic and layout into popular CAD formats
Print PDF reports for the design, and share the design with colleagues
Get more information about WEBENCH tools at www.ti.com/WEBENCH.
Output Voltage Setpoint
The output voltage of LMR23630 is externally adjustable using a resistor divider network. The divider network is
comprised of top feedback resistor RFBT and bottom feedback resistor RFBB. Equation 11 is used to determine the
output voltage:
Choose the value of RFBB to be 22.1 kΩ. With the desired output voltage set to 5 V and the VREF = 1 V, the RFBB
value can then be calculated using Equation 11. The formula yields to a value 88.7 k
Switching Frequency
The default switching frequency of the LMR23630 is 400 kHz. For other switching frequency, the device must be
synchronized to an external clock, see Enable/Sync for more details.

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