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TPS61160DRVTG4 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPS61160DRVTG4
Description  White LED Drivers With Digital and PWM Brightness Control in 2-mm x 2-mm WSON Package
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
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Copyright © 2007–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Feature Description (continued)
7.3.2 Open LED Protection
Open LED protection circuitry prevents device damage as the result of white LED disconnection. The TPS61160
and TPS61161 monitor the voltage at the SW pin and FB pin during each switching cycle. The circuitry turns off
the switch FET and shuts down the device when both of the following conditions persist for 8 switching clock
1. The SW voltage exceeds the VOVP threshold; and
2. The FB voltage is less than half of regulation voltage.
As a result, the output voltage falls to the level of the input supply. The device remains in shutdown mode until it
is enabled by toggling the CTRL pin logic. To allow the use of inexpensive low-voltage output capacitor, the
TPS61160/1 has different open lamp protection thresholds. The threshold is set at 26 V for the TPS61160 and
38 V for the TPS61161. Select the appropriate device so that the product of the number of external LEDs and
each LED's maximum forward voltage plus the 200 mV reference voltage does not exceed the minimum OVP
threshold or (nLEDS × VLED(MAX)) + 200 mV ≤ VOVP(MIN).
7.3.3 Current Program
The FB voltage is regulated by a low 0.2-V reference voltage. The LED current is programmed externally using a
current-sense resistor in series with the LED string. The value of the RSET is calculated using Equation 1:
ILED = output current of LEDs
VFB = regulated voltage of FB
RSET = current sense resistor
The output current tolerance depends on the FB accuracy and the current sensor resistor accuracy.
7.3.4 LED Brightness Dimming Mode Selection
The CTRL pin is used for the control input for both dimming modes, PWM dimming and one-wire dimming. The
dimming mode for the TPS61160 or TPS61161 is selected each time the device is enabled. The default dimming
mode is PWM dimming. To enter the one-wire mode, the following digital pattern on the CTRL pin must be
recognized by the device every time the device starts from the shutdown mode.
1. Pull CTRL pin high to enable the TPS61160 or TPS61161 and to start the one-wire detection window.
2. After the EasyScale detection delay (tes_delay, 100 μs) expires, drive CTRL low for more than the EasyScale
detection time (tes_detect, 260 μs).
3. The CTRL pin has to be low for more than EasyScale detection time before the EasyScale detection window
(tes_win, 1 msec) expires. EasyScale detection window starts from the first CTRL pin low to high transition.
The device immediately enters the one-wire mode once the above three conditions are met. the EasyScale
communication can start before the detection window expires. Once the dimming mode is programmed, it can
not be changed without another start-up. This means the device needs to be shutdown by pulling the CTRL low
for 2.5 ms and restarts. See Figure 12 for a graphical explanation.

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