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Z51F0811 Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - Zilog, Inc.

Part # Z51F0811
Description  The Z51F0811 Evaluation Board contains the following components
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Manufacturer  ZILOG [Zilog, Inc.]
Direct Link  http://www.zilog.com
Logo ZILOG - Zilog, Inc.

Z51F0811 Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - Zilog, Inc.

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Build and Run the Z51F0811 Demo Project
Z51F0811 Evaluation Kit
User Manual
Similar projects that you can use as references are listed in Table 2 on page 33.
Using the Keil µVision IDE on a Demo Project
Zilog’s On-Chip Debugger hardware now fully supports the Keil µVision IDE. Our target
driver is seamlessly integrated with the Keil debugger, allowing Keil C51 users to work
within the µVision4 environment without switching between the Keil compiler and
Zilog’s external OCD software. In the demo project example that follows, the Z51F0811
MCU-related project is referenced as Demo.
This document refers to the Keil µVision IDE V4.53.0.6 (PK51 Prof. Developers Kit) or
Refer to the Z8051 Tools Product User Guide (PUG0033) for additional information about
these project files and debugging with the Keil µVision IDE and Zilog On-Chip Debugger.
Debugger Configuration
Observe the following procedure to build and run a Z51F0811 demonstration project using
the Keil µVision IDE.
1. Start the Keil µVsion4 IDE.
2. From the Project menu, select Open Project and navigate to the following filepath:
<Installation directory>\Z8051_<version>\samples\Z51F0811\Demo
3. Select the Demo.uvproj file and click Open; see Figure 21.

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