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Z51F0811 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Zilog, Inc.

Part # Z51F0811
Description  The Z51F0811 Evaluation Board contains the following components
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Manufacturer  ZILOG [Zilog, Inc.]
Direct Link  http://www.zilog.com
Logo ZILOG - Zilog, Inc.

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Install the Z8051 OCD Software and Documentation
Z51F0811 Evaluation Kit
User Manual
1. Connect the OCD hardware to the USB port of your PC by connecting the A (male)
end of one of the two USB A (male)-to-Mini-B cables with the host PC’s USB port.
Connect the Mini-B end to the OCD device.
2. After the PC detects the new hardware, it will display the Installing device driver soft-
ware dialog shown in Figure 4.
3. Select Browse my computer for driver software (advanced) to display the dialog
shown in Figure 5, which prompts you to key in or browse for the location of the .inf
file. Depending on the type of computer you use (32- bit or 64-bit), use the Browse
button to navigate to one of the following paths, then click the Next button.
On 32-bit machines, use the following path:
<Z8051 Installation>\Z8051_<version_number>\device drivers\OCD USB\x32
On 64-bit machines, use the following path:
<Z8051 Installation>\Z8051_<version_number>\device drivers\OCD USB\x64
Figure 4. Install Device Driver Dialog, Windows 7
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you should encounter the scenarios presented in Figures 8 or 9, right-click your
mouse on ZILOG OCD I/F (highlighted in Figure 8) or Unknown device (highlighted in Figure 9) and
select Update Driver Software...

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