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PC8477BVF-1 Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - National Semiconductor (TI)

[Old version datasheet] Texas Instruments acquired National semiconductor.
Part # PC8477BVF-1
Description  Advanced Floppy Disk Controller
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Manufacturer  NSC [National Semiconductor (TI)]
Direct Link  http://www.national.com
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40 Command Set Description (Continued)
If MT was set in the Opcode command byte and the last
sector of side 0 has been transferred the controller will then
continue with side 1 starting with sector 1 and continuing
until EOT Sector
is reached or TC occurs Result phase
terminattion values listed in Table 4-7
4224 Write Deleted Data
The Write Deleted Data command receives data from the
host and writes logical sectors containing a Deleted Data
AM to the selected drive This command is identical to the
Write Data command except that a Deleted Data AM is writ-
ten to the Data Field instead of a Normal Data AM
50 Functional Description
The PC8477B is pin compatible with the 82077AA floppy
disk controller It is software compatible with the DP8473
and 82077AA floppy disk controllers Upon a power-on re-
set the 16 byte FIFO will be disabled Also the disk inter-
face outputs will be configured as active push-pull outputs
which are compatible with both CMOS inputs and open-col-
lector resistor terminated disk drive inputs The FIFO can be
enabled with the Configure command The FIFO can be
very useful at the higher data rates with systems that have
a large amount of DMA bus latency or with multi-tasking
systems such as the EISA or MCA bus structures
The PC8477B will support all the DP8473 Mode command
features as well as some additional features These include
control over the enabling of the FIFO for reads and writes a
Non-Burst mode for the FIFO a bit that will configure the
disk interface outputs as open-drain outputs and pro-
grammability of the DENSEL output
The PC8477B interface to the microprocessor consists of
the CS RD and WR lines which access the chip for reads
and writes the data lines D7 – D0 the address lines A2 – A0
which select the register to be accessed (see Table 3-1)
the INT signal and the DMA interface signals DRQ DACK
and TC It is through this microprocessor interface that the
floppy controller receives commands transfers data and
returns status information
The PC8477B has three modes of operation PC-AT mode
PS2 mode and Model 30 mode which are determined by
the state of the IDENT pin and MFM pin IDENT can be tied
directly to VCC or GND The MFM pin must be tied high or
low with a 10 kX resistor (there is an internal 40 kX –50 kX
resistor on the MFM pin) The state of these pins is interro-
gated by the controller during a chip reset to determine the
mode of operation See Section 30 Register Description for
more details on the register set used for each mode of oper-
ation After chip reset the state of IDENT can be changed
to change the polarity of DENSEL (see Section 20 Pin De-
PC-AT Mode
(IDENT tied high MFM is a don’t care) The
PC-AT register set is enabled The DMA enable bit in the
Digital Output Register becomes valid (INT and DRQ can be
TRI-STATE) TC and DENSEL become active high signals
(defaults to a 525
floppy drive)
PS2 Mode
(IDENT tied low MFM pulled high internally)
This mode supports the PS2 Models 506080 configura-
tion and register set The DMA enable bit in the Digital Out-
put Register becomes a don’t care (INT and DRQ signals
will always be valid) TC and DENSEL become active low
signals (default to 35
floppy drive)
Model 30 Mode
(IDENT tied low MFM pulled low exter-
nally) This mode supports the PS2 Model 30 configuration
and register set The DMA enable bit in the Digital Output
Register becomes valid (INT and DRQ can be TRI-STATE)
TC is active high and DENSEL becomes active low (default
to 35
floppy drive)
The PC8477B has three separate phases of a command
the Command Phase the Execution Phase and the Result
Phase Each of these controller phases will determine how
data is transferred between the floppy controller and the
host microprocessor In addition when no command is in
progress the controller is in the Idle Phase or Drive Polling
531 Command Phase
During the Command Phase the mP writes a series of bytes
to the Data Register The first command byte contains the
opcode for the command and the controller will know how
many more bytes to expect based on this opcode byte The
remaining command bytes contain the particular parameters
required for the command The number of command bytes
will vary for each particular command All the command
bytes must be written in the order specified in the Command
Description Table The Execution Phase starts immediately
after the last byte in the Command Phase is written Prior to
performing the Command Phase the Digital Output Register
should be set and the data rate should be set with the Data
Rate Select Register or Configuration Control Register
The Main Status Register controls the flow of command
bytes and must be polled by the software before writing
each Command Phase byte to the Data Register Prior to
writing a command byte the RQM bit (D7) must be set and
the DIO bit (D6) must be cleared in the MSR After the first
command byte is written to the Data Register the CMD
PROG bit (D4) will also be set and will remain set until the
last Result Phase byte is read If there is no Result Phase
the CMD PROG bit will be cleared after the last command
byte is written
A new command may be initiated after reading all the result
bytes from the previous command If the next command
requires selecting a different drive or changing the data rate
the DOR and DSR or CCR should be updated If the com-
mand is the last command then the software should de-
select the drive
As a general rule the operation of the controller core is independent
of how the mP updates the DOR DSR and CCR The software must
ensure that the manipulation of these registers is coordinated with the
controller operation
532 Execution Phase
During the Execution Phase the disk controller performs
the desired command Commands that involve data trans-
fers such as a read write or format operation will require
the mP to write or read data to or from the Data Register at
this time Some commands such as a Seek or Recalibrate
will control the readwrite head movement on the disk drive
during the Execution Phase via the disk interface signals
The execution of other commands does not involve any ac-
tion by the mP or disk drive and consists of an internal
operation by the controller
If there is data to be transferred between the mP and the
controller during the Execution there are three methods
that can be used DMA mode interrupt transfer mode and

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