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PC8477BV-1 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
PC8477BV-1 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - National Semiconductor (TI) |
12 / 54 page 30 Register Description (Continued) D5 Undefined Should be set to 0 D4 – D2 Precompensation Select These three bits se- lect the amount of write precompensation the floppy controller will use on the WDATA disk interface output Table 3-4 shows the amount of precompensation used for each bit pattern In most cases the default values (Table 3-5) can be used however alternate values can be cho- sen for specific types of drives and media Track 0 is the default starting track number for precompensation The starting track number can be changed in the Configure command D1 – D0 Data Rate Select 10 These bits determine the data rate for the floppy controller See Table 3-6 for the corresponding data rate for each value of D1 D0 The data rate select bits are unaffect- ed by a software reset and are set to 250 kbs after a hardware reset TABLE 3-4 Write Precompensation Delays PRECOMP Precompensation Delay 432 1 1 1 00 ns 0 0 1 417 ns 0 1 0 833 ns 0 1 1 1250 ns 1 0 0 1667 ns 1 0 1 2083 ns 1 1 0 2500 ns 0 0 0 DEFAULT TABLE 3-5 Default Precompensation Delays Data Rate Precompensation Delay 1 Mbs 417 ns 500 kbs 1250 ns 300 kbs 1250 ns 250 kbs 1250 ns TABLE 3-6 Data Rate Select Encoding Data Rate Select Data Rate 1 2 MFM FM 1 1 1 Mbs Illegal 0 0 500 kbs 250 kbs 0 1 300 kbs 150 kbs 1 0 250 kbs 125 kbs Note FM mode is not guaranteed through functional testing 37 DATA REGISTER (FIFO) ReadWrite The FIFO (readwrite) is used to transfer all commands data and status between the mP and the PC8477B During the Command Phase the mP writes the command bytes into the FIFO after polling the RQM and DIO bits in the MSR During the Result Phase the mP reads the result bytes from the FIFO after polling the RQM and DIO bits in the MSR The enabling of the FIFO and setting of the FIFO threshold is done via the Configure command If the FIFO is enabled only the Execution Phase byte transfers use the 16 byte FIFO The FIFO is always disabled during the Command and Result Phases of a controller operation If the FIFO is enabled it will not be disabled after a software reset if the LOCK bit is set in the Lock Command After a hardware reset the FIFO is disabled to maintain compatibility with PC- AT systems The 16 byte FIFO can be used for DMA Interrupt or soft- ware polling type transfers during the execution of a read write format or scan command In addition the FIFO can be put into a Burst or Non-Burst mode with the Mode com- mand In the Burst mode DRQ or INT remains active until all of the bytes have been transferred to or from the FIFO In the Non-Burst mode DRQ or INT is deasserted for 350 ns to allow higher priority transfer requests to be serviced The Mode command can also disable the FIFO for either reads or writes separately The FIFO allows the system a larger latency without causing a disk overrununderrun error Typi- cal uses of the FIFO would be at the 1 Mbs data rate or with multi-tasking operating systems The default state of the FIFO is disabled with a threshold of zero The default state is entered after a hardware reset Data Register (FIFO) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DESC Data 70 RESET Byte Mode COND During the Execution Phase of a command involving data transfer tofrom the FIFO the system must respond to a data transfer service request based on the following formu- la Maximum Allowable Data Transfer Service Time (THRESH a 1) c 8 c tDRP b (16 c tICP) This formula is good for all data rates with the FIFO enabled or disabled THRESH is a four bit value programmed in the Configure command which sets the FIFO threshold If the FIFO is disabled THRESH is zero in the above formula The last term of the formula (16 c tICP) is an inherent delay due to the microcode overhead required by the PC8477B This delay is also data rate dependent See Table 6-1 for the tDRP and tICP times The programmable FIFO threshold (THRESH) is useful in adjusting the floppy controller to the speed of the system In other words a slow system with a sluggish DMA transfer capability would use a high value of THRESH giving the system more time to respond to a data transfer service re- quest (DRQ for DMA mode or INT for Interrupt mode) Con- versely a fast system with quick response to a data transfer service request would use a low value of THRESH 38 DIGITAL INPUT REGISTER (DIR) Read Only This diagnostic register is used to detect the state of the DSKCHG disk interface input and some diagnostic signals The function of this register depends on the register mode of operation When in the PC-AT mode the D6 – D0 are TRI-STATE to avoid conflict with the fixed disk status regis- ter at the same address The DIR is unaffected by a soft- ware reset 12 |
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