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TPS22810 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS22810 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Texas Instruments |
14 / 35 page 14 TPS22810 SLVSDH0B – DECEMBER 2016 – REVISED MAY 2017 www.ti.com Product Folder Links: TPS22810 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2016–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Feature Description (continued) • QOD pin is unused and left floating. Using this method, there is no quick output discharge functionality, and the output remains floating after the switch is disabled. Note that during thermal shutdown, the QOD functionality is not available. The device does not discharge the load as RPD does not become engaged. The fall times of the device depend on many factors including the total resistance of the QOD, VIN, and the output capacitance. When QOD is connected to VOUT, the fall time changes over VIN as the internal RPD varies over VIN. To calculate the approximate fall time of VOUT for a given RQOD, use Equation 2 and Table 1. VCAP = VIN × e -t/τ where • VCAP is the voltage across the capacitor (V) • t is the time since power supply removal (s) • τ is the time constant equal to RQOD × CL (2) The fall times' dependency on VIN becomes minimal as the QOD value increases with additional external resistance. See Table 1 for QOD fall times. (1) TYPICAL VALUES WITH QOD SHORTED TO VOUT Table 1. QOD Fall Times VIN (V) FALL TIME (μs) 90% - 10%, CIN = 1 μF, IOUT = 0 A , VIN = 0 V, ON = 0 V (1) TA = 25°C TA = 85°C CL = 1 μF CL = 10 μF CL = 100 μF CL = 1 μF CL = 10 μF CL = 100 μF 18 470 4700 47000 470 4700 47000 12 450 4500 45000 450 4500 45000 9 440 4400 44000 440 4400 44000 5 500 5000 50000 480 4800 48000 3.3 600 6000 60000 570 5700 57000 QOD when System Power is Removed The adjustable QOD can be used to control the power down sequencing of a system even when the system power supply is removed. When the power is removed, the input capacitor, CIN, discharges at VIN. Past the set UVLO level, the pull-down resistance RPD becomes disabled and the output no longer becomes discharged. If there is still remaining charge on the output capacitor, this results in longer fall times. Care must be taken such that CIN is large enough to meet the device UVLO settings. Internal QOD Considerations Special considerations must be taken when using the internal RPD by shorting the QOD pin to the VOUT pin. The internal RPD is a pulldown resistance designed to quickly discharge a load after the switch has been disabled. Care must be used to ensure that excessive current does not flow through RPD during discharge so that the maximum TJ of 125°C is not exceeded. When using only the internal RPD to discharge a load, the total capacitive load must not exceed 200 uF. Otherwise, an external resistor, REXT, must be used to ensure the amount of current flowing through RPD is properly limited and the maximum TJ is not exceeded. To ensure the device is not damaged, the remaining charge from CL needs to decay naturally through the internal QOD resistance and must not be driven. 9.3.3 EN/UVLO As an input pin, EN/UVLO controls the ON and OFF state of the internal MOSFET. In its high state, the internal MOSFET is enabled. A low on this pin turns off the internal MOSFET. High and Low levels are specified in the parametric table of the datasheet A voltage V(EN/UVLO < V(ENF) on this pin turns off the internal FET, thus disconnecting VIN from VOUT, while voltage below V(SHUTF) takes the device into shutdown mode, with IQ less than 1 μA to ensure minimal power loss. |
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