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ML9058E Datasheet(PDF) 37 Page - LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. |
ML9058E Datasheet(HTML) 37 Page - LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. |
37 / 76 page FEDL9058E-01 LAPIS Semiconductor ML9058E 37/76 * When using the voltage V1 adjustment internal resistors or the electronic potentiometer function, it is necessary to set at least the voltage adjustment circuit and the voltage follower circuits both in the operating state using the power control setting command. Also, when the voltage multiplier circuit is OFF, it is necessary to supply a voltage externally to the VOUT pin. * The pin VR is effective only when the voltage V1 adjustment internal resistors are not used (pin IRS = “L”). Leave this pin open when the voltage V1 adjustment internal resistors are being used (pin IRS = “H”). * Since the input impedance of the pin VR is high, it is necessary to take noise countermeasures such as using short wiring length or a shielded wire . * The supply current increases in proportion to the panel capacitance. When power consumption increases, the VOUT level may fall. The voltage (VOUT – V1) should be more than 3 V. LCD Drive voltage generator circuits The voltage V1 is divided using resistors inside the IC to generate the voltages V2, V3, V4, and V5 that are necessary for driving the LCD. In addition, these voltages V2, V3, V4, and V5 are impedance transformed using voltage follower circuits and fed to the LCD drive circuits. The bias ratio of 1/9 or 1/7 can be selected using the LCD bias setting command. At built-in power-on, and transition from power save state to display mode After built-in power-on, at the command "2F(H)" input, or on transition from power save state to display mode, the display does not operate for a maximum period of 300 ms until the built-in power is stabilized. This period of no display is not influenced by display ON/OFF command. Despite input of display ON command during this period, the display does not operate for this period. However, the command is valid. After the wait time is finished, the display operates. (During this period of no display, all commands are acceptable.) Command sequence for shutting off the internal power supply When shutting off the internal power supply, it is recommended to use the procedure given in Fig. 12 of switching OFF the power after putting the LSI in the power save state using the following command sequence. Procedure Description Commands (Command, status) DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Step1 Display OFF 1 0 1 01110 Power save commands (multiple commands) Step2 Display all ON 1 0 1 00101 End Internal power supply OFF Fig. 12 Command sequence for shutting off the internal power supply |
Similar Part No. - ML9058E |
Similar Description - ML9058E |
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