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SAA7824 Datasheet(PDF) 39 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SAA7824 Datasheet(HTML) 39 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
39 / 89 page 2003 Oct 01 39 Philips Semiconductors Product specification CD audio decoder, digital servo and filterless DAC with integrated pre-amp and laser control SAA7824 Write servo commands A write data command is used to transfer data (a number of bytes) from the microcontroller, using the protocol illustrated in Fig.31. The first of these bytes is the command byte and the following are data bytes; the number (between 1 and 7) depends on the command byte. It should be noted that RAB must be held LOW; the command or data is interpreted by the SAA7824 after the HIGH-to-LOW transition of SILD; there must be a minimum time of 70 µs between SILD pulses. Writing repeated data in servo commands The same data byte can be repeated by applying extra SILD pulses as illustrated in Fig.32. SCL must be HIGH between the SILD pulses. Read servo commands A read data command is used to transfer data (status information) to the microcontroller, using the protocol shown in Fig.33. The first byte written determines the type of command. After this byte a variable number of bytes can be read. It should be noted that RAB must be held LOW; after the end of the command byte (LOW-to-HIGH transition on SILD) there must be a delay of 70 µs before data can be read (i.e. the next HIGH-to-LOW transition on SILD) and there must be a minimum time of 70 µs between SILD pulses. 7.17.2 MICROCONTROLLER INTERFACE (I2C-BUS MODE) Bytes are transferred over the interface in groups (i.e. servo commands) of which there are two types: write data commands and read data commands. The sequence for a write data command (that requires 3 data bytes) is as follows: 1. Send START condition. 2. Send address 30H (write). 3. Write command byte. 4. Write data byte 1. 5. Write data byte 2. 6. Write data byte 3. 7. Send STOP condition. It should be noted that more than one command can be sent in one write sequence. The sequence for a read data command (that reads 2 data bytes) is as follows: 1. Send START condition. 2. Send address 30H (write). 3. Write command byte. 4. Send STOP condition. 5. Send START condition. 6. Send address 31H (read). 7. Read data byte 1. 8. Read data byte 2. 9. Send STOP condition. It should be noted that the timing constraints specified for the read and write servo commands must still be adhered to. handbook, full pagewidth A3 A2 A1 A0 D3 D2 D1 D0 SDA (SAA782X) SCL (microcontroller) RAB (microcontroller) SDA (microcontroller) MBL445 high-impedance Fig.25 Microcontroller write protocol for registers 0 to F. |
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