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SAA7824 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SAA7824 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
15 / 89 page 2003 Oct 01 15 Philips Semiconductors Product specification CD audio decoder, digital servo and filterless DAC with integrated pre-amp and laser control SAA7824 7.6 Demodulator 7.6.1 FRAME SYNC PROTECTION A double timing system is used to protect the demodulator from erroneous sync patterns in the serial data. The master counter is only reset if: • A sync coincidence is detected; sync pattern occurs 588 ±1 EFM clocks after the previous sync pattern • A new sync pattern is detected within ±6 EFM clocks of its expected position. The sync coincidence signal is also used to generate the PLL lock signal, which is active HIGH after 1 sync coincidence is found, and reset LOW if during 61 consecutive frames no sync coincidence is found. The PLL lock signal can be accessed via the SDA or STATUS pins selected by decoder registers 2, 7 and new shadow register C (bank 3). Also incorporated in the demodulator is a Run Length 2 (RL2) correction circuit. Every symbol detected as RL2 will be pushed back to RL3. To do this, the phase error of both edges of the RL2 symbol are compared and the correction is executed at the side with the highest error probability. 7.6.2 EFM DEMODULATION The 14-bit EFM data and subcode words are decoded into 8-bit symbols. 7.7 Subcode data processing 7.7.1 Q-CHANNEL PROCESSING The 96-bit Q-channel word is accumulated in an internal buffer. The last 16 bits are used internally to perform a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). If the data is good, the SUBQREADY-I signal will go LOW. SUBQREADY-I can be read via the SDA or STATUS pins, selected via decoder registers 2, 7 and new shadow register C (bank 3). Good Q-channel data may be read from pin SDA. 7.7.2 EIAJ 3 AND 4-WIRE SUBCODE (CD GRAPHICS) INTERFACE Data from all the subcode channels (P-to-W) may be read via the subcode interface, which conforms to EIAJ CP-2401. The interface is enabled and configured as either a 3 or 4-wire interface via decoder register F. The subcode interface output formats are illustrated in Fig.9, where the RCK signal is supplied by another device such as a CD graphics decoder. 7.7.3 V4 SUBCODE INTERFACE Data of subcode channels, Q-to-W, may be read via pin V4 if selected via decoder register D. The format is similar to RS232 and is illustrated in Fig.10. The subcode sync word is formed by a pause of (200/n) µs minimum. Each subcode byte starts with a logic 1 followed by 7 bits (Q-to-W). The gap between bytes is variable between (11.3/n) µs and (90/n) µs. The subcode data is also available in the EBU output (DOBM) in a similar format. 7.7.4 CD TEXT INTERFACE R-to-W subcode data is captured and stored until a complete CD text PACK is formed. The least significant 16 bits of the PACK are used for a CRC. The behaviour of the CD text interface is controlled by new shadow register 7 (bank 2). The interface can either flag all data (i.e. passed or failed CRC) or it can flag good data only. The data ready flag is monitored via pin CDTRDY and is active LOW. The pulse width varies from 73/n µs, for the first three packs, to 317/n µs for the fourth pack. When a PACK becomes available, the initial value of the CDTDATA pin indicates the CRC result (HIGH = passed; LOW = failed). The microcontroller can fetch the data by applying a clock signal (maximum frequency = 5 MHz) to pin CDTCLK and reading the subsequent bitstream on pin CDTDATA. The 128 data bits are streamed out LSB first. A complete CD text PACK consists of 4 header bytes, 12 data bytes, and 2 CRC bytes although the latter 2 bytes are dropped internally once the CRC calculation is complete. Please refer to the “Red Book” for further details relating to the format of a CD text PACK The timing diagram for the CD text interface is illustrated in Fig.11. |
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