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314014--1 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Tyco Electronics

Part # 314014--1
Description  Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 7, REVISION SUMMARY.
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Manufacturer  MACOM [Tyco Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.macom.com
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314014--1 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Tyco Electronics

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408- 9414
Terminating Head 58063- 2
Rev B
of 4
Tyco Electronics Corporation
Figure 2
Slide Connector
Into Feed Channel
Power Unit
Terminating Connector
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all applicable
contacts are terminated.
5. Slide the connector out of the head in the
direction of the arrow.
6. Inspect each terminated contact according to
Figure 4. If any contact does not meet the
requirements, DO NOT use the connector. Refer to
Section 4 for adjustments.
For application requirements for the connectors,
refer to application specification 114--40002.
For assembly procedure, refer to 408--6621 for
all plastic connectors and 408--6645 for metal
shell connectors.
4.1. Wire Insertion Depth
If the wire is inserted too deep or not deep enough in
the contact after termination, adjust the wire insertion
depth as follows:
A. Pneumatic Power Units
To avoid personal injury when using pneumatic
power units, ALWAYS disconnect the air supply
before making any adjustments.
Increase the air pressure by 10 psi [69 kPa]. Repeat
the termination and inspection procedure. Continue in
this manner until the proper wire insertion depth is
obtained or the air pressure is set to 70 psi [483 kPa].
If proper wire insertion depth is not obtained at 70 psi
[483 kPa], return the air pressure to 40 psi [276 kPa]
and follow Paragraph B.
For pneumatic power units, it might be necessary
to adjust either the air pressure or the adjuster
(inserter rod).
B. Manual and Electric Power Units
To prevent personal injury when using electric
power units, ALWAYS disconnect the electrical
power supply before making any adjustments.
1. Remove the head from the power unit according
to the instructions packaged with the power unit.
Make sure to observe any cautions and dangers.
2. Turn the adjuster (inserter rod) one--sixth of a
revolution clockwise if the wire is too deep in the
contact, and counterclockwise if the wire is not
deep enough in the contact. Refer to Figure 3. This
will decrease or increase the wire insertion depth
by approximately 0.20 mm [.008 in.].
3. Install the head onto the power unit according to
the instructions packaged with the power unit.
Make sure to observe any cautions and dangers.
Figure 3
To Decrease
Wire Insertion Depth
To Increase
Wire Insertion Depth
(Inserter Rod)
Wire Insertion Depth Adjustment
4.2. Wire Guide
If the connector cannot be inserted into the head, the
connector is too loose in the head, or the connector
housing is damaged after termination, refer to Figure
1, and adjust the wire guide as follows:
1. For pneumatic power units, disconnect the air
supply. For electric power units, disconnect the
electrical power supply.
2. Loosen the two screws on the wire guide.
3. Slide the wire guide until the connector fits
properly in the head.
4. Finger--tighten the screws.
5.1. Inspection
Regular inspections should be performed by quality
control personnel with a record of quality control
inspections remaining with the personnel responsible

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