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408-32209 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - TE Connectivity Ltd

Part # 408-32209
Description  Small Form-Factor Pluggable
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Manufacturer  TEC [TE Connectivity Ltd]
Direct Link  http://www.te.com/usa-en/home.html
Logo TEC - TE Connectivity Ltd

408-32209 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - TE Connectivity Ltd

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1. Place the pc board on the support fixture.
2. Orient the seating tool over the cage assembly so that the back is aligned with the back of the cage
assembly. Then lower the seating tool onto the cage assembly, making sure that the cutouts slide
over the protruding components of the cage assembly, until the seating tool bottoms on the top of the
cage assembly.
3. Place the cage assembly on the pc board so that the contacts and alignment posts are aligned and
started into the matching holes in the pc board.
4. Center the seating tool (with the cage assembly) under the ram of the application tool. Slowly lower
the ram until it just meets the seating tool. Verify alignment of pc board support, pc board, cage
assembly, and seating tool.
Damage to the pc board, seating tool, or cage assembly may occur if the seating tool is not properly seated on the cage
assembly before cycling the application tool.
5. Cycle the application tool to seat the cage assembly on the pc board. Then retract the ram, and
carefully remove the seating tool by pulling it straight from the cage assembly.
6. Check the cage assembly for proper seating according to the following:
a. the widest section of each compliant pin is inside its intended pc board hole
b. each alignment post is in its intended pc board hole
c. if present, the gap between the standoffs and the pc board is no more than 0.10 mm [.004 in.]
For detailed application requirements of the cage assembly, refer to the application specification given in Figure 1.
The seating tool kit is assembled and inspected before shipment. It is recommended that the seating tool kit be
inspected immediately upon arrival at your facility to ensure that it has not been damaged during shipment, and
that it conforms to the dimensions provided in Figure 3.
6.1. Daily Maintenance
It is recommended that each operator be made aware of, and responsible for, the following steps of daily
1. Remove dust, moisture, and contaminants with a clean, soft brush or a lint-free cloth. DO NOT use
objects that could damage the components.
2. When the seating tool and wall support are not in use, store them in a clean, dry area.
6.2. Periodic Inspection
Regular inspections should be performed by quality control personnel. A record of scheduled inspections
should remain with the seating tool or be supplied to personnel responsible for the seating tool kit. Inspection
frequency should be based on amount of use, working conditions, operator training and skill, and established
Customer-replaceable parts are listed in Figure 3. Parts other than those listed should be replaced by TE to
ensure quality and reliability. For customer repair service or to order replacement parts, call 1-800-522-6752, or
fax your purchase order to 717-986-7605, or write to: Customer Service (038-035), Tyco Electronics
Corporation, PO Box 3608, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608.
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