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A2541R24A-ADB1 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Anaren Microwave |
A2541R24A-ADB1 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Anaren Microwave |
1 / 2 page Anaren, Inc. | 6635 Kirkville Road | East Syracuse, NY 13057 800.411.6596 | www.anaren.com/air | AIR@anaren.com Anaren Integrated Radio (AIR) Low-power RF modules, firmware & development tools that make it easy to ’go wireless’ Features Benefits Applications Kit: Includes one A2541R24A AIR Module BoosterPack, for connection to TI’s MSP430, TiVA-C, C2000, and other LaunchPad development tools (not included) Each BoosterPack includes indicator LEDs, current monitoring circuitry, and provision for an on-board MSP430 Value Line microprocessor Includes B-SMART breakout cable for easy connection to a wide variety of processors AIR Module: Incorporates TI’s CC2541 SoC Tiny 11x19x2.5 mm footprint Pre-certified to FCC/IC and ETSI compliant Low power consumption Firmware: Comes with Emmoco firmware (based on TI BLE Stack), designed for easy implementation of embedded-mobile-connectivity. Emmoco software and tools enable easy communication between an embedded device and Bluetooth SMART Ready phones and tablets Emmoco’s Em-Builder tools and Schema concept generate code that makes sharing data between embedded and mobile devices easy A2541R24A-ADB1 The A2541R24A-ADB1 B-SMART BoosterPack kit is a development tool designed for use with the TI MSP430TM Value Line, TiVA-C, C2000 and other LaunchPad kits. The kit eases development of products that wirelessly communicate with devices incorporating Bluetooth® SMART technology per the Bluetooth 4.0 core specification*. The BoosterPack features an A2541R24A20 AIR module (based on TI’s CC2541 low-power SoC) and is pre- loaded with Em-Ware firmware from Emmoco (based on TI’s BLE-Stack). BoosterPack Series Provides “out of the box” wireless connectivity for easier development of applications based on the Bluetooth SMART standard Includes Emmoco firmware solution (based on TI’s BLE-Stack), which compresses time to market by greatly reducing the development time Provides an excellent learning/development tool for all levels of Bluetooth SMART expertise – as well as a clear, easy-to-understand migration path from development to production Part of the AIR Support—for Bluetooth SMART, a total solution from Anaren that includes development tools, firmware, applications support, and more Industrial controls and monitoring, remote controls, home/building automation, lighting systems, low power wireless sensor networks, and consumer electronics, sports monitoring, health & wellness, among many others The A2541R24A-ADB1 BoosterPack snaps onto the TI LaunchPad (sold separately) or connects to other processors via the included cable. Applications are written in an easy-to-use schema format, and then pushed to a handheld device which interacts with the BoosterPack |
Similar Part No. - A2541R24A-ADB1 |
Similar Description - A2541R24A-ADB1 |
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