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HI-5046A Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Intersil Corporation |
HI-5046A Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Intersil Corporation |
12 / 12 page HI-5046A/883 12 Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems as noted in the quality certifications found at www.intersil.com/design/quality Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com FN8274.0 May 3, 2012 For additional products, see www.intersil.com/product_tree Ceramic Dual-In-Line Frit Seal Packages (CERDIP) NOTES: 1. Index area: A notch or a pin one identification mark shall be located ad- jacent to pin one and shall be located within the shaded area shown. The manufacturer’s identification shall not be used as a pin one identi- fication mark. 2. The maximum limits of lead dimensions b and c or M shall be measured at the centroid of the finished lead surfaces, when solder dip or tin plate lead finish is applied. 3. Dimensions b1 and c1 apply to lead base metal only. Dimension M ap- plies to lead plating and finish thickness. 4. Corner leads (1, N, N/2, and N/2+1) may be configured with a partial lead paddle. For this configuration dimension b3 replaces dimension b2. 5. This dimension allows for off-center lid, meniscus, and glass overrun. 6. Dimension Q shall be measured from the seating plane to the base plane. 7. Measure dimension S1 at all four corners. 8. N is the maximum number of terminal positions. 9. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M - 1982. 10. Controlling dimension: INCH. bbb C A - B S c Q L A SEATING BASE D PLANE PLANE -D- -A- -C- -B- α D E S1 b2 b A e M c1 b1 (c) (b) SECTION A-A BASE LEAD FINISH METAL eA/2 A M S S ccc C A - B M D S S aaa CA - B M D S S eA F16.3 MIL-STD-1835 GDIP1-T16 (D-2, CONFIGURATION A) 16 LEAD CERAMIC DUAL-IN-LINE FRIT SEAL PACKAGE SYMBOL INCHES MILLIMETERS NOTES MIN MAX MIN MAX A - 0.200 - 5.08 - b 0.014 0.026 0.36 0.66 2 b1 0.014 0.023 0.36 0.58 3 b2 0.045 0.065 1.14 1.65 - b3 0.023 0.045 0.58 1.14 4 c 0.008 0.018 0.20 0.46 2 c1 0.008 0.015 0.20 0.38 3 D - 0.840 - 21.34 5 E 0.220 0.310 5.59 7.87 5 e 0.100 BSC 2.54 BSC - eA 0.300 BSC 7.62 BSC - eA/2 0.150 BSC 3.81 BSC - L 0.125 0.200 3.18 5.08 - Q 0.015 0.060 0.38 1.52 6 S1 0.005 - 0.13 - 7 α 90o 105o 90o 105o - aaa - 0.015 - 0.38 - bbb - 0.030 - 0.76 - ccc - 0.010 - 0.25 - M - 0.0015 - 0.038 2, 3 N16 16 8 Rev. 0 4/94 |
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