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MX7705 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
MX7705 Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
24 / 34 page Set CLK = 0 for optimal performance if the external clock frequency is 1MHz with CLKDIV = 0 or 2MHz with CLKDIV = 1. FS1, FS0: (Default = 0, 1) Filter-Selection Bits. These bits determine the output data rate and the digital-filter cutoff frequency. See Table 13 for FS1 and FS0 settings. Recalibrate when the filter characteristics are changed. Data Register The data register is a 16-bit register that can be read and written. Figure 9 shows how to read conversion results using the data register. A write to the data regis- ter is not required, but if the data register is written, the device does not return to its normal state of waiting for a write to the communications register until all 16 bits have been written. The 16-bit data word written to the data register is ignored. The data from the data register is read through DOUT. DOUT changes on the falling edge of SCLK and is valid on the rising edge of SCLK. The data register format is 16-bit straight binary for unipolar mode with zero scale equal to 0x0000, and offset binary for bipolar mode with zero scale equal to 0x1000. 16-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Channel, Sigma-Delta ADC 24 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Table 10. Operating-Mode Selection MD1 MD0 OPERATING MODE 0 0 Normal Mode. Use this mode to perform normal conversions on the selected analog input channel. 01 Self-Calibration Mode. This mode performs self-calibration on the selected channel determined from CH0 and CH1 selection bits in the communications register (Table 6). Upon completion of self-calibration, the device returns to normal mode with MD0, MD1 returning to 0, 0. The DRDY output bit goes high when self-calibration is requested and returns low when the calibration is complete and a new data word is in the data register. Self- calibration performs an internal zero-scale and full-scale calibration. The analog inputs of the device are shorted together internally during zero-scale calibration and connected to an internally generated (VREF / selected gain) voltage during full-scale calibration. The offset and gain registers for the selected channel are automatically updated with the calibration data. 10 Zero-Scale System-Calibration Mode. This mode performs zero-scale calibration on the selected channel determined from CH0 and CH1 selection bits in the communications register (Table 6). The DRDY output bit goes high when calibration is requested and returns low when the calibration is complete and a new data word is in the data register. Performing zero-scale calibration compensates for any DC offset voltage present in the ADC and system. Ensure that the analog input voltage is stable within 1/2 LSB for the duration of the calibration sequence. The offset register for the selected channel is updated with the zero-scale system-calibration data. Upon completion of calibration, the device returns to normal mode with MD0, MD1 returning to 0, 0. 11 Full-Scale System-Calibration Mode. This mode performs full-scale system calibration on the selected channel determined by the CH0 and CH1 selection bits in the communications register. This calibration assigns a full- scale output code to the voltage present on the selected channel. Ensure that the analog input voltage is stable within 1/2 LSB for the duration of the calibration sequence. The DRDY output bit goes high during calibration and returns low when the calibration is complete and a new data word is in the data register. The gain register for the selected channel is updated with the full-scale system-calibration data. Upon completion of calibration, the device returns to normal mode with MD0, MD1 returning to 0, 0. Table 11. PGA Gain Selection G2 G1 G0 PGA GAIN 00 0 1 00 1 2 01 0 4 01 1 8 10 0 16 10 1 32 11 0 64 1 1 1 128 |
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