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IDT71V3557S Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT71V3557S Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
9 / 28 page 6.42 IDT71V3557, IDT71V3559, 128K x 36, 256K x 18, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with ZBT™ Feature, 3.3V I/O, Burst Counter, and Flow-Through Outputs Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges 9 Interleaved Burst Sequence Table (LBO=VDD) Partial Truth Table for Writes (1) Synchronous Truth Table (1) NOTES: 1. L = VIL, H = VIH, X = Don’t Care. 2. When ADV/LD signal is sampled high, the internal burst counter is incremented. The R/W signal is ignored when the counter is advanced. Therefore the nature of the burst cycle (Read or Write) is determined by the status of the R/W signal when the first address is loaded at the beginning of the burst cycle. 3. Deselect cycle is initiated when either (CE1, or CE2 is sampled high or CE2 is sampled low) and ADV/LD is sampled low at rising edge of clock. The data bus will tri-state one cycle after deselect is initiated. 4. When CEN is sampled high at the rising edge of clock, that clock edge is blocked from propogating through the part. The state of all the internal registers and the I/ Os remains unchanged. 5. To select the chip requires CE1 = L, CE2 = L and CE2 = H on these chip enable pins. The chip is deselected if any one of the chip enables is false. 6. Device Outputs are ensured to be in High-Z during device power-up. 7. Q - data read from the device, D - data written to the device. NOTES: 1. L = VIL, H = VIH, X = Don’t Care. 2. Multiple bytes may be selected during the same cycle. 3. N/A for x18 configuration. NOTE: 1. Upon completion of the Burst sequence the counter wraps around to its initial state and continues counting. CEN R/W CE1, CE2(5) ADV/LD BW x ADDRESS USED PREVIOUS CYCLE CURRENT CYCLE I/O (One cycle later) LL L L Valid External X LOAD WRITE D(7) L H L L X External X LOAD READ Q(7) LX X H Valid Internal LOAD WRITE / BURST WRITE BURST WRITE (Advance burst counter)(2) D(7) L X X H X Internal LOAD READ / BURST READ BURST READ (Advance burst counter)(2) Q(7) L X H L X X X DESELECT or STOP(3) HIZ L X X H X X DESELECT / NOOP NOOP HIZ H X X X X X X SUSPEND(4) Previous Value 5282 tbl 08 Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Sequence 4 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 First Address 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Second Address 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Third Address 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Fourth Address(1) 111 00 1 0 0 5282 tbl 10 OPERATION R/W BW1 BW2 BW3(3) BW4(3) READ H XXXX WRITE ALL BYTES LLLL L WRITE BYTE 1 (I/O[0:7], I/OP1)(2) LL H H H WRITE BYTE 2 (I/O[8:15], I/OP2)(2) LH LH H WRITE BYTE 3 (I/O[16:23], I/OP3)(2,3) LH H L H WRITE BYTE 4 (I/O[24:31], I/OP4)(2,3) L HHH L NO WRITE L HHH H 5282 tbl 09 |
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