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IDT7035S Datasheet(PDF) 17 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT7035S Datasheet(HTML) 17 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
17 / 19 page ![]() 6.42 IDT7035S/L High-Speed 8K x 18 Dual-Port Static RAM Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges 17 sharedresource.Theleftprocessorcantheneitherrepeatedlyrequest that semaphore’s status or remove its request for that semaphore to performanothertaskandoccasionallyattemptagaintogaincontrolofthe tokenviathesetandtestsequence.Oncetherightsidehasrelinquished thetoken,theleftsideshouldsucceedingainingcontrol. ThesemaphoreflagsareactiveLOW.Atokenisrequestedbywriting azerointoasemaphorelatchandisreleasedwhenthesamesidewrites a one to that latch. The eight semaphore flags reside within the IDT7035 in a separate memoryspacefromtheDual-PortRAM.This addressspaceisaccessed byplacingaLOWinputontheSEMpin(whichactsasachipselectforthe semaphore flags) and using the other control pins (Address, OE, and R/W) as they would be used in accessing a standard Static RAM. Each of the flags has a unique address which can be accessed by either side through address pins A0 – A2. When accessing the semaphores, none of the other address pins has any effect. When writing to a semaphore, only data pin D0 is used. If a low level iswrittenintoanunusedsemaphorelocation,thatflagwillbesettoazero on that side and a one on the other side (see Truth Table V). That semaphorecannowonlybemodifiedbythesideshowingthezero.When aoneiswrittenintothesamelocationfromthesameside,theflagwillbe settoaoneforbothsides(unlessasemaphorerequestfromtheotherside ispending)andthencanbewrittentobybothsides. Thefactthattheside whichisabletowriteazerointoasemaphoresubsequentlylocksoutwrites fromtheothersideiswhatmakessemaphoreflagsusefulininterprocessor communications.(Athoroughdiscussionontheuseofthisfeaturefollows shortly.) A zero written into the same location from the other side will be storedinthesemaphorerequestlatchforthatsideuntilthesemaphoreis freed by the first side. Whenasemaphoreflagisread,itsvalueisspreadintoalldatabitsso thataflagthatisaonereadsasaoneinalldatabitsandaflagcontaining azeroreadsasallzeros.Thereadvalueislatchedintooneside’soutput registerwhenthatside'ssemaphoreselect(SEM)andoutputenable(OE) signalsgoactive.Thisservestodisallowthesemaphorefromchanging stateinthemiddleofareadcycleduetoawritecyclefromtheotherside. Becauseofthislatch,arepeatedreadofasemaphoreinatestloopmust cause either signal (SEM or OE) to go inactive or the output will never change. AsequenceWRITE/READmustbeusedbythesemaphoreinorder to guarantee that no system level contention will occur. A processor requestsaccesstosharedresourcesbyattemptingtowriteazerointoa semaphorelocation.Ifthesemaphoreisalreadyinuse,thesemaphore requestlatchwillcontainazero,yetthesemaphoreflagwillappearasone, a fact which the processor will verify by the subsequent read (see Truth TableV).Asanexample,assumeaprocessorwritesazerototheleftport at a free semaphore location. On a subsequent read, the processor will verifythatithaswrittensuccessfullytothatlocationandwillassumecontrol overtheresourceinquestion.Meanwhile,ifaprocessorontherightside attempts to write a zero to the same semaphore flag it will fail, as will be verifiedbythefactthataonewillbereadfromthatsemaphoreontheright side during subsequent read. Had a sequence of READ/WRITE been usedinstead,systemcontentionproblemscouldhaveoccurredduringthe gap between the read and write cycles. Itisimportanttonotethatafailedsemaphorerequestmustbefollowed by either repeated reads or by writing a one into the same location. The reasonforthisiseasilyunderstoodbylookingatthesimplelogicdiagram ofthesemaphoreflaginFigure4.Twosemaphorerequestlatchesfeed into a semaphore flag. Whichever latch is first to present a zero to the semaphoreflagwillforceitssideofthesemaphoreflagLOWandtheother side HIGH. This condition will continue until a one is written to the same semaphorerequestlatch.Shouldtheotherside’ssemaphorerequestlatch havebeenwrittentoazerointhemeantime,thesemaphoreflagwillflip overtotheothersideassoonasaoneiswrittenintothefirstside’srequest latch.Thesecondside’sflagwillnowstayLOWuntilitssemaphorerequest latchiswrittentoaone.Fromthisitiseasytounderstandthat,ifasemaphore is requested and the processor which requested it no longer needs the resource, the entire system can hang up until a one is written into that semaphorerequestlatch. The critical case of semaphore timing is when both sides request a single token by attempting to write a zero into it at the same time. The semaphorelogicisspeciallydesignedtoresolvethisproblem.Ifsimulta- neousrequestsaremade,thelogicguaranteesthatonlyonesidereceives thetoken.Ifonesideisearlierthantheotherinmakingtherequest,thefirst sidetomaketherequestwillreceivethetoken.Ifbothrequestsarriveat the same time, the assignment will be arbitrarily made to one port or the other. One caution that should be noted when using semaphores is that semaphoresalonedonotguaranteethataccesstoaresourceissecure. Aswithanypowerfulprogrammingtechnique,ifsemaphoresaremisused or misinterpreted, a software error can easily happen. Initializationofthesemaphoresisnotautomaticandmustbehandled viatheinitializationprogramatpower-up.Sinceanysemaphorerequest flagwhichcontainsazeromustberesettoaone,allsemaphoresonboth sidesshouldhaveaonewrittenintothematinitializationfrombothsides to assure that they will be free when needed. UsingSemaphores—SomeExamples Perhapsthesimplestapplicationofsemaphoresistheirapplicationas resourcemarkersfortheIDT7035’sDual-PortRAM.Saythe8Kx18RAM was to be divided into two 4K x 18 blocks which were to be dedicated at any one time to servicing either the left or right port. Semaphore 0 could be used to indicate the side which would control the lower section of memory,andSemaphore1couldbedefinedasthe indicatorfortheupper sectionofmemory. To take a resource, in this example the lower 4K of Dual-Port RAM, the processor on the left port could write and then read a zero in to Semaphore 0. If this task was successfully completed (a zero was read back rather than a one), the left processor would assume control of the lower 4K. Meanwhile the right processor was attempting to gain control of the resource after the left processor, it would read back a one inresponsetothezeroithadattemptedtowriteintoSemaphore0.Atthis point,thesoftwarecouldchoosetotryandgaincontrolofthesecond4K sectionbywriting,thenreadingazerointoSemaphore1.Ifitsucceeded in gaining control, it would lock out the left side. Once the left side was finished with its task, it would write a one to Semaphore 0 and may then try to gain access to Semaphore 1. If Semaphore1wasstilloccupiedbytherightside,theleftsidecouldundo itssemaphorerequestandperformothertasksuntilitwasabletowrite,then readazerointoSemaphore1.Iftherightprocessorperformsasimilartask withSemaphore0,thisprotocolwouldallowthetwoprocessorstoswap 4K blocks of Dual-Port RAM with each other. |
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