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409-5860 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics

Part # 409-5860
Description  Crimping Die Assemblies
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Manufacturer  MACOM [Tyco Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.macom.com
Logo MACOM - Tyco Electronics

409-5860 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics

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408- 9177
Die Assemblies 47378- 1, 48756- 1, and 48757- 1
of 5
Rev C
Tyco Electronics Corporation
Figure 4
1 Wire must be fully inserted.
Correct color code and die combination must be used
(terminal insulation color matches color code on dies).
Wire size used must be the same as the wire size
embossed on terminal insulation and stamped on terminal
Crimp centered on wire barrel.
5 End of wire conductor is flush with, or extends beyond,
end of terminal wire barrel.
6 Insulation barrel must contact wire insulation
(AMPLI--BOND terminals contain wire insulation “grip” and
PLASTI--GRIP terminals contain wire insulation “support”).
Refer to Section 4.
7 Bellmouth must be visible.
Terminal Crimp
Frequency of inspection depends on:
1. The care, amount of use, and handling of the
die assembly.
2. The type and size of the product crimped.
3. The degree of operator skill.
4. The presence of abnormal amounts of dust and
5. Your own established standards.
Each die assembly is thoroughly inspected before
packaging. Since there is the possibility of damage
during shipment, the die assembly should be
inspected immediately upon arrival at your facility in
accordance with Paragraph 5.3, Gaging the Crimping
Chamber, and Figure 6.
5.1. Cleaning
1. Remove dust, moisture, and other contaminants
with a clean brush, or a soft lint--free cloth. Do
NOT use objects that could damage the dies.
2. Make certain the dies are protected with a THIN
coat of any good SAE 20 motor oil. Do NOT oil
3. When the dies are not in use, mate and store
them in a clean, dry area.
5.2. Visual Inspection
1. Check all bearing surfaces for wear. If parts are
missing or defective, replace them by referring to
Figure 6.
2. Inspect the crimp area for flattened, chipped, or
broken areas. Although the crimping chamber may
gage within permissible limits, worn or damaged
die closure surfaces are objectionable and will
affect the quality of the crimp.
5.3. Gaging the Wire Barrel Crimping Chamber
This inspection requires the use of plug gages
conforming to the dimensions shown in Figure 5. Tyco
Electronics does not manufacture or market these
1. Remove die assembly from crimping head.
Refer to the instructions packaged with the
crimping head.
2. Remove the socket head cap screws and the
locator block from the moving die.
3. Remove oil and dirt from crimping surfaces and
plug gage elements.
4. Mate the dies until they are bottomed, but not
under pressure.
5. Using the suggested plug gage design, as
shown in Figure 5, align the GO element with the
wire barrel crimping chamber. Push the element
straight into the crimping chamber without using
force. The GO element must pass completely
through the crimping chamber, as shown in
Figure 5.
6. Align the NO--GO element and try to insert it
into the same crimping chamber. The element may
start entry, but will not pass completely through the
crimping chamber. See Figure 5.
If the crimping chamber conforms to the gage
inspection, the die assembly is considered
dimensionally correct and should be lubricated with a
THIN coat of any good SAE 20 motor oil. If the
crimping chamber does not conform to the plug gage
dimensions, the dies must be repaired before
returning them to service (refer to Section 6,
For additional information concerning the use of the
plug gage, refer to Instruction Sheet 408--7424.

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