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TMP411-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Texas Instruments |
TMP411-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Texas Instruments |
15 / 33 page TMP411 SBOS383C − DECEMBER 2006 − REVISED MAY 2008 www.ti.com 15 SOFTWARE RESET The TMP411 may be reset by writing any value to Pointer Register FCh. This restores the power-on reset state to all of the TMP411 registers as well as abort any conversion in process and clear the ALERT and THERM pins. The TMP411 also supports reset via the two-wire general call address (00000000). The TMP411 acknowledges the general call address and responds to the second byte. If the second byte is 00000110, the TMP411 executes a software reset. The TMP411 takes no action in response to other values in the second byte. CONSECUTIVE ALERT REGISTER The value in the Consecutive Alert Register (address 22h) determines how many consecutive out-of-limit measurements must occur on a measurement channel before the ALERT signal is activated. The value in this register does not affect bits in the Status Register. Values of one, two, three, or four consecutive conversions can be selected; one conversion is the default. This function allows additional filtering for the ALERT pin. The consecutive alert bits are shown in Table 9. Table 9. Consecutive Alert Register CONSECUTIVE ALERT REGISTER (READ = 22h, WRITE = 22h, POR = 01h) C2 C1 C0 NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE OUT-OF-LIMIT MEASUREMENTS 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 NOTE: Bit 7 of the Consecutive Alert Register controls the enable/disable of the timeout function. See the Timeout Function section for a description of this feature. THERM HYSTERESIS REGISTER The THERM Hysteresis Register, shown in Table 11, stores the hysteresis value used for the THERM pin alarm function. This register must be programmed with a value that is less than the Local Temperature High Limit Register value, Remote Temperature High Limit Register value, Local THERM Limit Register value, or Remote THERM Limit Register value; otherwise, the respective temperature comparator will not trip on the measured temperature falling edges. Allowable hysteresis values are shown in Table 10. The default hysteresis value is 10 °C, whether the device is operating in the standard or extended mode setting. Table 10. Allowable THERM Hysteresis Values THERM HYSTERESIS VALUE TEMPERATURE ( °C) TH[11:4] (STANDARD BINARY) (HEX) 0 0000 0000 00 1 0000 0001 01 5 0000 0101 05 10 0000 1010 0A 25 0001 1001 19 50 0011 0010 32 75 0100 1011 4B 100 0110 0100 64 125 0111 1101 7D 127 0111 1111 7F 150 1001 0110 96 175 1010 1111 AF 200 1100 1000 C8 225 1110 0001 E1 255 1111 1111 FF BUS OVERVIEW The TMP411 is SMBus interface-compatible. In SMBus protocol, the device that initiates the transfer is called a master, and the devices controlled by the master are slaves. The bus must be controlled by a master device that generates the serial clock (SCL), controls the bus access, and generates the START and STOP conditions. To address a specific device, a START condition is initiated. START is indicated by pulling the data line (SDA) from a high to low logic level while SCL is high. All slaves on the bus shift in the slave address byte, with the last bit indicating whether a read or write operation is intended. During the ninth clock pulse, the slave being addressed responds to the master by generating an Acknowledge and pulling SDA low. Data transfer is then initiated and sent over eight clock pulses followed by an Acknowledge bit. During data transfer SDA must remain stable while SCL is high, because any change in SDA while SCL is high is interpreted as a control signal. Once all data has been transferred, the master generates a STOP condition. STOP is indicated by pulling SDA from low to high, while SCL is high. |
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