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CS8412 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Cirrus Logic |
CS8412 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Cirrus Logic |
12 / 38 page CS8411 CS8412 12 DS61F1 high. B0 and B1 select one of three buffer modes listed in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 5. In all modes four bytes of user data are stored. In mode 0, one entire block of channel status is stored. In mode 1 eight bytes of channel status and sixteen bytes of auxiliary data are stored. In mode 2, eight bytes of channel status from each sub-frame are stored. The buffer modes are discussed in more detail in the Buffer Memory section. The next bit, CS2/CS1, se- lects the particular sub-frame of channel status to buffer in modes 0 and 1, and has no effect in mode 2. When CS2/CS1 is low, sub-frame 1 is buffered, and when CS2/CS1 is high, sub-frame 2 is buff- ered. IER/SR selects which set of registers, either IEnable or status, occupy addresses 0 and 1. When IER/SR is low, the status registers occupy the first two addresses, and when IER/SR is high, the IEn- able registers occupy those addresses. FCEN en- ables the internal frequency counter. A 6.144 MHz clock must be connected to the FCK pin as a refer- ence. The value of the FREQ bits in SR2 are not valid until two thirds of a block of data is received. Since FCK and A4, the most significant address bit, occupy the same pin, A4 is internally set to zero when FCEN is high. Since A4 is forced to zero, the upper half of the buffer is not accessible while us- ing the frequency compare feature. FPLL deter- mines how FSYNC is derived. When FPLL is low, FSYNC is derived from the incoming data, and when FPLL is high, it is derived from the internal phase-locked loop. Control Register 2 configures the serial port which consists of three pins: SCK, SDATA, and FSYNC. SDATA is always an output, but SCK and FSYNC can be configured as inputs or outputs. FSYNC and SDATA can have a variety of relationships to each other, and the polarity of SCK can be controlled. The large variety of audio data formats provides an easy interface to most DSPs and other audio pro- cessors. SDATA is normally just audio data, but special modes are provided that output received bi- phase data, or received NRZ data with zeros substi- tuted for preamble. Another special mode allows an asynchronous SCK input to read audio data from the serial port without slipping samples. In this mode FSYNC and SDATA are outputs synchro- nized to the SCK input. Since SCK is asynchronous to the received clock, the number of SCK cycles between FSYNC edges will vary. ROER, when set, causes the last audio sample to be reread if the error pin, ERF, is active. When out of lock, the CS8411 will output zeros if ROER is set and output random data if ROER is not set. The conditions that activate ERF are those reported in SR2 and enabled in IER2. Figure 10 illustrates the modes selectable by SDF2-SDF0 and FSF1-FSF0. MSTR, which in most applications will be set to one, determines whether FSYNC and SCK are out- puts (MSTR = 1) or inputs (MSTR = 0). When FSYNC and SCK are inputs (slave mode) the audio Figure 8. Control Register 1 CR1: FPLL: 0 - FSYNC from RXP/RXN, 1 - FSYNC from PLL FCEN: enables freq. comparator (FCK must be 6.144 MHz). IER/SR: [X:00,01] 0 - status, 1 - interrupt enable registers. CS2/CS1: ch. status to buffer; 0 - sub-frame 1, 1 - sub-frame 2. B1: with B0, selects the buffer memory mode. B0: with B1, selects the buffer memory mode. RST: Resets internal counters. Set to “1” for normal operation. X:02 7 6 5 4 3210 CR1. FPLL FCEN IER/SR CS2/CS1 B1 B0 RST B1 B0 Mode Buffer Memory Contents 0 0 0 Channel Status 0 1 1 Auxiliary Data 1 0 2 Independent Channel Status 1 1 3 Reserved Table 2. Buffer Memory Modes Figure 9. Control Register 2 CR2: ROER: Repeat previous value on error (audio data) SDF2: with SDF0 & SDF1, select serial data format. SDF1: with SDF0 & SDF2, select serial data format. SDF0: with SDF1 & SDF2, select serial data format. FSF1: with FSF0, select FSYNC format. FSF0: with FSF1, select FSYNC format. MSTR: When set, SCK and FSYNC are output SCED: When set, falling edge of SCK outputs data. When clear, rising edge of SCK outputs data. X:03 76543210 CR2. ROER SDF2 SDF1 SDF0 FSF1 FSF0 MSTR SCED |
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