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E1968A Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Keysight Technologies

Part # E1968A
Description  GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application
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Manufacturer  KEYSIGHT [Keysight Technologies]
Direct Link  http://www.keysight.com
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E1968A Datasheet(HTML) 18 Page - Keysight Technologies

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18 | Keysight | E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application - Technical Overview
General-purpose spectrum monitor
Operating modes
Active cell and test mode
Measurement modes
Swept mode or zero span
Frequency ranges
Although the spectrum monitor is available at
any frequency supported by the test set, spec-
ifications apply only inside of the calibrated
bands: 450 to 496 MHz, 700 to 800 MHz, 810
to 960 MHz, and 1.7 to 1.99 GHz
Frequency spans,
resolution bandwidth,
displayed dynamic
Coupled, with the following combinations
Displayed average noise
< –90 dBm for reference level of –40 dBm and
30 kHz bandwidth
Typical residual
< –70 dB with input terminated, reference level
of –10 dBm and RF generator power < –80 dBm
Typical spurious
< –50 dBc with expected frequency tuned to
carrier, carrier > 420 MHz, signal and reference
level at –10 dBm and all spectral components
within 100 MHz of carrier
Frequency resolution
1 Hz
Marker amplitude
0.01 dB
RBW filter types
Flattop in swept mode, Gaussian in zero span
Zero span sweep time
Settable from 50 μs to 70 ms
Zero span offset time
Settable from 0 to 10 s
Reference level range
Settable from –50 to +37 dBm, or automatically
Amplitude scaling
Settable from 0.1 to 20 dB/division in 0.1 dB
Trigger source
Immediate, protocol, RF rise, external, auto
Trigger delay
Settable between ± 50 ms
Peak threshold
Settable from –120 to +37 dBm
Peak excursion
Settable between 1.2 to 100 dB
Trace functions
Clear write, max hold, min hold
Detector type
Peak or sample
Averaging capabilities
Settable between 1 and 999, or off
Marker functions
Three independent markers with modes of
normal, data, and off; operations are peak
search, marker to expected power, and marker
to expected frequency
Concurrency capabilities Spectrum monitor analysis can be performed
concurrently with all measurements
Displayed dynamic range
100 MHz
5 MHz
50 dB
80 MHz
1 MHz
55 dB
40 MHz
300 kHz
60 dB
20 MHz
100 kHz
65 dB
12 MHz
100 kHz
65 dB
10 MHz
100 kHz
65 dB
5 MHz
30 kHz
70 dB
4 MHz
30 kHz
70 dB
2.5 MHz
10 kHz
75 dB
1.25 MHz
3 kHz
80 dB
500 kHz
1 kHz
80 dB
125 kHz
300 Hz
80 dB
1 MHz
55 dB
300 kHz
60 dB
100 kHz
65 dB
Supplemental characteristics
Typical level accuracy:
– < ± 2 dB for signals within 50 dB of a reference level
≥ –10 dBm and RBW < 5 MHz
– < ± 2 dB for signals within 30 dB of a reference level
< –10 dBm and RBW = 5 MHz using 5 averages
– < ± 3.5 dB for signals > –70 dBm and within 50 dB of a
reference level < –10 dBm with RBW < 5 MHz
GSM decoded audio level measurement
The MS needs to be stimulated with a pulsed audio signal at a
10 Hz rate with 50 percent duty cycle for the decoded audio level
measurement to provide accurate results.
Types of signals
Encoded audio present on uplink TCH
Measurement range
200 Hz to 3.6 kHz
Measurement accuracy
Observed inaccuracies are due to MS encoder
errors since the algorithm in the test set
contributes no bit errors
Band pass filter
100 Hz bandwidth, tunable from 200 Hz to
3.6 kHz, selectable as on or off
Measurement trigger
None required
Numerical result
rms audio level
1 to 999 measurements; average, minimum,
maximum, and standard deviation results
Concurrency capabilities GSM decoded audio level measurements
cannot be made concurrently with GSM BER
or GSM FBER measurements; GSM decoded
audio level measurements can be made con-
currently with all other measurements
Supplemental characteristics
Measurement resolution 0.01 percent

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