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E1968A Datasheet(PDF) 17 Page - Keysight Technologies |
E1968A Datasheet(HTML) 17 Page - Keysight Technologies |
17 / 22 page 17 | Keysight | E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application - Technical Overview Phase and amplitude versus time (PAvT) measurement Optional PAvT measurement, requires separate license, orderable as part number E1968A-410. All specifications for the PAvT measurement are valid between +20 and +55 °C. Types of signals measured CW only – discrete amplitude step waveform or continuous ramp waveform Waveform type Discrete or continuous Trigger sources RF rise, immediate, external Trigger delay Settable between 0 to 10 ms Trigger threshold Settable between 0 to 30 dB Measurement timeout Settable between 0.1 to 999.9 s Continuous measurement count Settable between 1 to 5000 Continuous measurement delay Settable between 0 to 500 ms Discrete step width Settable between 0.1 to 400 ms Discrete step count Settable between 1 to 512 Discrete step center Settable between 0.05 to 399.95 ms Concurrency capabilities PAvT measurements cannot be made concurrently with any other measurements Fast device tune (FDT) measurement Optional FDT measurement requires separate license, orderable as part number E1999A-202. All specifications for the FDT measurement are valid for the frequency ranges 450 to 496 MHz, 740 to 960 MHz, and 1700 to 1990 MHz. FDT transmit power measurement specifications Input signal conditions First slot has to be the highest burst, and power level of first timeslot has to be within ± 3 dB of expected power Multislot signal measurement capability Measurement of up to seven timeslots Minimum input level For warranted performance, the signal at the test set’s RF IN/OUT must have transmit power > –14 dBm for first timeslot, and ≥ –25 dBm for second to seventh timeslot Measurement accuracy for FDT GMSK transmit power at RF IN/OUT port between +20 and +55 °C Accuracy (dBm) Ranges < ± 0.85 700 to 800 810 to 960 < ± 0.87 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 FDT (downlink) generator specifications FDT absolute output level accuracy with GMSK modulation on: Specification Ranges < ± 2.10 dB Single slot from –110 to –13 dBm < ± 2.10 dB 1 multislot level between –110 and –13 dBm < ± 2.50 dB 2 multislot levels ≤ 20 dB apart Peak phase error < ± 5 degrees Frequency error < ± 0.02 ppm plus timebase reference Typical burst modulation on/off ratio (referenced to lowest signal level) > 50 dB Typical RMS phase error < 0.9 degree Supplemental characteristics Typical FDT absolute output level accuracy with GMSK modulation on: Specification Ranges < ± 1.40 dB Single slot from –110 to –13 dBm < ± 1.40 dB 1 multislot level between –110 and –13 dBm < ± 1.70 dB 2 multislot levels ≤ 20 dB apart Frequency capture range Signal must be within ± 70 kHz of test set’s expected frequency for warranted performance VSWR at RF IN/OUT < 1.14 : 1 for 450 to 496 MHz and 700 to 960 MHz, < 1.2 : 1 for 1.7 to 1.99 GHz Trigger sources Fixed as protocol trigger (RF rising trigger for the first step) Trigger delay ± 2.31 ms Concurrency capabilities Fast device tune measurements cannot be made concurrently with other measurements Supplemental characteristics Typical measurement accuracy for FDT GMSK transmit power at RF IN/OUT port between +20 and +55 °C: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) < ± 1.40 700 to 800 810 to 960 < ± 0.41 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Typical measurement repeatability < ± 0.05 dB Measurement resolution 0.01 dB |
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