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E1968A Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Keysight Technologies |
E1968A Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Keysight Technologies |
14 / 22 page 14 | Keysight | E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application - Technical Overview Typical measurement accuracy for GMSK transmit power at RF IN/OUT port: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Timeslot < ± 0.10 < ± 0.11 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Single slot < ± 0.14 < ± 0.15 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at the same level < ± 0.29 < ± 0.30 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at different levels Typical measurement accuracy for 8PSK/16QAM burst power at RF IN/OUT port: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Timeslot < ± 0.14 < ± 0.15 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Single slot < ± 0.17 < ± 0.17 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at the same level < ± 0.33 < ± 0.34 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at different levels Supplemental characteristics Supplemental characteristics Results are provided for signals at the test set’s RF IN/OUT port for transmit power within –10 and +5 dB of expected power Typical measurement accuracy when RF OUT ONLY port is selected for signal generation (in addition to typical measurement accuracy at RF IN/OUT port): Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) < ± 0.01 < ± 0.04 450 to 496 700 to 800 810 to 960 1700 to 1990 Typical measurement repeatability < ±0.05 dB Measurement resolution 0.01 dB Measurement accuracy for GMSK transmit power or 8PSK/16QAM burst power at RF IN/OUT port between +20 and +55 °C: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Timeslot < ± 0.32 < ± 0.34 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Single slot and multi- slot at the same level < ± 0.57 < ± 0.59 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at different levels Measurement accuracy for 8PSK/16QAM estimated carri- er power at RF IN/OUT port between + 20 and +55 °C: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Timeslot < ± 0.40 < ± 0.42 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Single slot and multi- slot at the same level < ± 0.65 < ± 0.67 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at different levels Note: 8PSK estimated carrier power accuracy specifications above can be met when signal quality is not degraded. Measurement accuracy when RF OUT ONLY port is selected for signal generation (in addition to measurement accuracy at RF IN/OUT port): Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) < ± 0.01 < ± 0.04 450 to 496 700 to 800 810 to 960 1700 to 1990 VSWR at RF IN/OUT < 1.14 : 1 for 450 to 496 MHz and 700 to 960 MHz, < 1.2 : 1 for 1.7 to 1.99 GHz Trigger sources RF rise, protocol, immediate, auto, external Trigger delay Settable between ± 2.31 ms Burst synchronization Midamble Numerical result GMSK transmit power, 8PSK burst power, 8PSK estimated carrier power, 16QAM burst power, 16QAM estimated carrier power Multi-measurement capabilities 1 to 999 bursts; minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation results Concurrency capabilities EGPRS multislot-tolerant transmit power measurements can be made concurrently with all other measurements Supplemental characteristics Extended amplitude range Results are provided for signals at the test set’s RF IN/OUT port for transmit power within –10 and +5 dB of expected power Typical measurement accuracy for GMSK transmit power or 8PSK burst power at RF IN/OUT port: Accuracy (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Timeslot < ± 0.15 < ± 0.16 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Single slot and multi- slot at the same level < ± 0.35 < ± 0.36 700 to 800 810 to 960 450 to 496 1700 to 1990 Multislot at different levels EGPRS multislot-tolerant transmit power measurement Types of signals measured Normal GMSK and 8PSK/16QAM bursts sent as EGPRS signals Multislot input signal conditions ≤ 30 dB difference in power level between adjacent timeslots Multislot signal measurement capability Measurement of one user-specified timeslot transmitted as a single timeslot or two adjacent timeslots Frequency capture range Signal must be within ± 1 kHz of test set’s expected frequency for warranted performance Minimum input level For warranted performance, signal at test set’s RF IN/OUT must have transmit power ≥ –25 dBm for GMSK transmit power or 8PSK burst power, and ≥ –20 dBm for 8PSK/16QAM estimated carrier power Typical measurement repeatability < ±0.05 dB Measurement resolution 0.01 dB |
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