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E1968A Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Keysight Technologies

Part # E1968A
Description  GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application
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Manufacturer  KEYSIGHT [Keysight Technologies]
Direct Link  http://www.keysight.com
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12 | Keysight | E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS Test Application - Technical Overview
8PSK/16QAM multislot-tolerant modulation
accuracy measurement
All specifications for the 8PSK/16QAM multislot-tolerant modulation accu-
racy measurement are valid for the frequency ranges 700 to 800 MHz, 810
to 960 MHz, and 1.7 to 1.99 GHz.
Types of signals
Normal 8PSK/16QAM bursts
Multislot input signal
≤ 30 dB difference in power level between
adjacent timeslots
Multislot signal
measurement capability
Measurement of one user-specified timeslot
transmitted as a single timeslot or four adjacent
Frequency capture range Signal must be within ± 200 Hz of test set’s
expected frequency for warranted performance
Minimum input level
Signal at test set’s RF IN/OUT must have
8PSK/16QAM burst power ≥ –15 dBm for
warranted performance
Residual rms EVM
< 1 percent for 8PSK
< 1 percent for 8PSK difference ≤ 30 dB
rms EVM measurement
< 0.5 or > –1.0 for 8PSK
< 1.5 or > 2.0 for 16QAM for measured average
rms EVM between 1 and 10 percent
Sample EVM
measurement accuracy
< ± 4 percent
Frequency error
measurement accuracy
< ± 10 Hz plus timebase accuracy
Origin offset suppression
measurement accuracy
for 8PSK
< ± 1.5 dB for measured origin offset
suppression between 25 and 40 dB
Trigger sources
RF rise, protocol, immediate, auto, external
Trigger delay
Settable between ± 2.31 ms
Burst synchronization
Displayed graphical
EVM versus symbol, demodulated symbols
in octal and binary, magnitude error versus
symbol, phase error versus symbol, sample
EVM histogram with plots of measured sample
EVM PDF, expected sample EVM PDF, 95th
percentile EVM, and probability with settable
markers and variable axes
1 to 999 bursts; maximum, minimum, and
average results
Concurrency capabilities 8PSK multislot-tolerant modulation accuracy
measurements can be made concurrently with
all other measurements
Supplemental characteristics
Measurement resolution 0.01 percent
Frequency error
measurement resolution
0.01 Hz
Origin offset suppression
measurement resolution
0.01 dB
Amplitude droop
measurement resolution
0.01 dB
Magnitude error
measurement resolution
0.01 percent
Phase error
measurement resolution
0.01 degree
IQ imbalance
measurement resolution
0.01 dB
Probability measurement
0.01 percent
GSM/GPRS/EGPRS multislot transmit power
The following specifications are valid when the burst capture range is set
to Single:
Types of signals
Normal GMSK bursts sent as GSM or GPRS signals,
CW, RACH bursts for a single uplink timeslot only
Multislot input signal
≤ 30 dB difference in power level between
adjacent timeslots
Multislot signal
Measurement of one user-specified timeslot
transmitted as a single timeslot or two adjacent
Frequency capture
Signal must be within ± 100 kHz of test set’s ex-
pected frequency for warranted performance
Minimum input level Signal at test set’s RF IN/OUT must have transmit
power ≥ –25 dBm for warranted performance
Measurement accuracy at RF IN/OUT port between
+20 and +55 °C
Accuracy (dBm)
Frequency (MHz)
< ± 0.27
< ± 0.29
810 to 960
450 to 496
700 to 800
1700 to 1990
Single slot and multis-
lot at the same level
< ± 0.52
< ± 0.54
810 to 960
450 to 496
700 to 800
1700 to 1990
Multislot at different
Measurement accuracy when RF OUT ONLY port is selected for
signal generation (in addition to measurement accuracy at
RF IN/OUT port):
Accuracy (dBm)
Frequency (MHz)
< ± 0.27
< ± 0.29
450 to 496
700 to 800
810 to 960
< ± 0.52
< ± 0.54
1700 to 1990
< 1.14 : 1 for 450 to 496 MHz and 700 to
960 MHz, < 1.2 : 1 for 1.7 to 1.99 GHz
Trigger sources
RF rise, protocol, immediate, auto, external
Trigger delay
Settable between ± 2.31 ms
Figure 2. EGPRS modulation accuracy measurement includes a
graphical sample EVM histogram to observe your device’s
statistical EGPRS performance.

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