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AK5384 Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Asahi Kasei Microsystems

Part # AK5384
Description  107 DB 24 BIT 96KHZ 4 CHANNEL ADC
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1. Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling
The AK5384 requires careful attention to power supply and grounding arrangements. AVDD and DVDD are usually
supplied from the analog supply in the system. Alternatively if AVDD and DVDD are supplied separately, the power up
sequence is not critical. AVSS and DVSS of the AK5384 must be connected to analog ground plane. System analog
ground and digital ground should be connected together near to where the supplies are brought onto the printed circuit
board. Decoupling capacitors should be as near to the AK5384 as possible, with the small value ceramic capacitor being
the closest.
2. Voltage Reference Inputs
The differential voltage between AVDD and AVSS sets the analog input range. VCOM is a signal ground of this chip. An
electrolytic capacitor 2.2
µF parallel with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor attached to VCOM pin eliminates the effects of high
frequency noise. No load current may be drawn from the VCOM pin. All signals, especially clocks, should be kept away
from the VCOM pin in order to avoid unwanted coupling into the AK5384.
3. Analog Inputs
The AK5384 accepts +5V supply voltage. Any voltage which exceeds the upper limit of AVDD+0.3V and lower limit of
−0.3V and any current beyond 10mA for the analog input pins (LIN+/−, RIN+/−) should be avoided. Excessive
currents to the input pins may damage the device. Hence input pins must be protected from signals at or beyond these
limits. Use caution specially in case of using
±15V in other analog circuits.
The analog inputs are differential and internally biased to the common voltage (AVDD/2) with 26k
Ω(typ). The input signal
range between LIN(RIN)+ and LIN(RIN)
− scales with the supply voltage and nominally ±0.58 x AVDD. The AK5384 can
accept input voltages from AVSS to AVDD. The ADC output data format 2’s compliment. The internal HPF removes the
DC offset.
The AK5384 samples the analog inputs at 64fs. The digital filter rejects noise above the stop band except for multiples of

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