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STK531U394A-E Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - ON Semiconductor |
STK531U394A-E Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - ON Semiconductor |
2 / 13 page ![]() STK531U394A-E www.onsemi.com 2 Electrical Characteristics at Tc = 25 C, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4 = 15V Parameter Symbol Conditions Test circuit MIN TYP MAX Unit Power output section Collector-emitter cut-off current ICE VCE = 600V Fig.1 - - 0.1 mA Bootstrap diode reverse current IR(BD) VR(BD) = 600V - - 0.1 mA Collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(SAT) Ic = 15A Tj = 25 C Upper side Fig.2 - 1.8 2.3 V Lower side *1 - 2.2 2.7 Ic = 7A Tj = 100 C Upper side - 1.5 - Lower side *1 - 1.7 - Diode forward voltage VF IF = 15A Tj = 25 C Upper side Fig.3 - 1.8 2.1 V Lower side *1 - 2.0 3.3 IF = 7A Tj = 100 C Upper side - 1.4 - Lower side *1 - 1.6 - Junction to case thermal resistance θj-c(T) IGBT - - - 3.8 C/W θj-c(D) FWD - - 6.0 Control (Pre-driver) section Pre-driver current consumption ID VD1, 2, 3 = 15V Fig.4 - 0.08 0.4 mA VD4 = 15V - 1.6 4.0 High level Input voltage Vin H HIN1, HIN2, HIN3, LIN1, LIN2, LIN3 to VSS 2.5 - - V Low level Input voltage Vin L - - 0.8 V Input threshold voltage hysteresis *2 Vinth(hys) 0.5 0.8 - V Logic 1 input leakage current IIN+ VIN = +3.3V - 100 143 µA Logic 0 input leakage current IIN VIN = 0V - - 2 µA FAULT terminal sink current IoSD FAULT : ON / VFAULT = 0.1V - 2 - mA FAULT clear time FLTCLR Fault output latch time 18 - 80 ms VCC and VS undervoltage positive going threshold VCCUV+ VSUV+ 10.5 11.1 11.7 V VCC and VS undervoltage negative going threshold VCCUV- VSUV- 10.3 10.9 11.5 V VCC and VS undervoltage hysteresis VCCUVH VSUVH- 0.14 0.2 - V Over current protection level ISD PW = 100μs, RSD = 0Ω Fig.5 22.0 - 27.8 A Electric current output signal level ISO Io = 15A - 0.36 0.38 0.40 V Reference voltage is “VSS” terminal voltage unless otherwise specified. *1 : The lower side’s VCE(SAT) and VF include a loss by the shunt resistance *2 : Input threshold voltage hysteresis indicates a reference value based on the design value of built-in pre-driver IC Electrical Characteristics at Tc 25C, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4 = 15V, VCC = 300V, L = 3.9mH Parameter Symbol Conditions Test circuit MIN TYP MAX Unit Switching time tON Io = 15A Fig.6 0.3 0.5 1.2 µs tOFF - 0.8 1.5 Turn-on switching loss Eon Io = 7A - 220 - µJ Turn-off switching loss Eoff - 180 - µJ Total switching loss Etot - 400 - µJ Turn-on switching loss Eon Io = 15A, Tc = 100 C - 260 - µJ Turn-off switching loss Eoff - 220 - µJ Total switching loss Etot - 480 - µJ Diode reverse recovery energy Erec IF = 7A, P = 400V, Tc = 100 C - 25 - µJ Diode reverse recovery time trr - 90 - ns Reverse bias safe operating area RBSOA Io = 30A, VCE = 450V Full square Short circuit safe operating area SCSOA VCE = 400V, Tc = 100C 4 - - µs Reference voltage is “VSS” terminal voltage unless otherwise specified. Notes: 1. The pre-drive power supply low voltage protection has approximately 0.2V of hysteresis and operates as follows. Upper side : The gate is turned off and will return to regular operation when recovering to the normal voltage, but the latch will continue till the input signal will turn ‘high’. Lower side : The gate is turned off and will automatically reset when recovering to normal voltage. It does not depend on input signal voltage. 2. The pre-drive low voltage protection is the feature to protect devices when the pre-driver supply voltage falls due to an operating malfunction. Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. |
Similar Part No. - STK531U394A-E |
Similar Description - STK531U394A-E |
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