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M9372A Datasheet(PDF) 32 Page - Keysight Technologies

Part # M9372A
Description  Keysight PXIe Vector Network Analyzers
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Manufacturer  KEYSIGHT [Keysight Technologies]
Direct Link  http://www.keysight.com
Logo KEYSIGHT - Keysight Technologies

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1-port calibration
Corrects for directivity, frequency response, and source match errors.
2-port calibration
Compensates for directivity, source match, reflection frequency response, load
match, and transmission frequency response (full two-port S-parameters).
Unknown thru and QSOLT are both available.
Multiport calibration
Compensates for directivity, source match, reflection frequency response, load
match, and transmission frequency response (full N-port S-parameters). Unknown
thru and QSOLT are both available.
Guided calibration wizard
A calibration wizard is available that recommends a calibration type and calibration
kit based on selected parameters and connector types. Alternatively, users can
select their own calibration type and calibration kit.
Interpolated error correction
With any type of accuracy enhancement applied, interpolated mode recalculates the
error coefficients when the test frequencies are changed. The number of points can
be increased or decreased and the start/stop frequencies can be changed, but the
resulting frequency span must be a subset of the original calibration frequency
Calibration kits
Supports all calibration kits supported by the PNA, including user defined
calibration standards.
Calibration save/recall
Enables saving or recalling user calibration
Calibration display
The results of the calibration standard are displayed during the measurement.
Table 34. Software
Keysight IO library
The IO library suite offers a single entry point for connection to the most common instruments
including AXIe, PXI, GPIB, USB, Ethernet/LAN, RS-232, and VXI test instrument from Keysight
and other vendors. It automatically discovers interfaces, chassis, and instruments. The
graphical user interface allows you to search for, verify, and update IVI instrument and soft
front panel drivers for modular and traditional instruments. The IO suite safely installs in side-
by-side mode with NI I/O software.
Free software download at www.keysight.com/find/iosuite
Keysight soft front panel
The PXI module includes a soft front panel (SFP), a software based graphical user interface
(GUI) which enables the instrument’s capabilities from your PC.
Included on CD-ROM shipped with module or online
Command Expert
Assists in finding the right instrument commands and setting correct parameters. A simple
interface includes documentation, examples, syntax checking, command execution, and
debug tools to build sequences for integration in Excel, MATLAB, LabVIEW, VEE, and System
Free software download at www.keysight.com/find/commandexpert

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