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OM25180FDKM Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
OM25180FDKM Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
10 / 149 page PN5180 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC Rev. 3.0 — 7 October 2016 240930 10 of 149 NXP Semiconductors PN5180 High-performance multi-protocol full NFC Forum-compliant frontend 11. Functional description 11.1 Introduction The PN5180 is a High-Power NFC frontend. It implements the RF functionality like an antenna driving and receiver circuitry and all the low-level functionality to realize an NFC Forum-compliant reader. The PN5180 connects to a host microcontroller with a SPI interface for configuration, NFC data exchange and high-level NFC protocol implementation. The PN5180 allows different supply voltages for NFC drivers, internal supply and host interface providing a maximum of flexibility. The chip supply voltage and the NFC driver voltage can be chosen independently from each other. The PN5180 uses an external 27.12 MHz crystal as clock source for generating the RF field and its internal digital logic. In addition, an internal PLL allows using an accurate external clock source of either 8, 12, 16, 24 MHz. This saves the 27.12 MHz crystal in systems which implement one of the mentioned clock frequencies (e.g. for USB or system clock). Two types of memory are implemented in the PN5180: RAM and EEPROM. Internal registers of the PN5180 state machine store configuration data. The internal registers are reset to initial values in case of PowerON, and Hardware-reset and standby. The RF configuration for dedicated RF protocols is defined by EEPROM data which is copied by a command issued from the host microcontroller - LOAD_RF_CONFIG- into the registers of the PN5180. The PN5180 is initialized with EEPROM data for the LOAD_RF_CONFIG command which has been tested to work well for one typical antenna. For customer-specific antenna sizes and dedicated antenna environment conditions like metal or ferrite, the pre-defined EEPROM settings can be modified by the user. This allows users to achieve the maximum RF performance from a given antenna design. It is mandatory to use the command LOAD_RF_CONFIG for the selection of a specific RF protocol. The command LOAD_RF_CONFIG initializes the registers faster compared to individual register writes. 11.2 Power-up and Clock 11.2.1 Power Management Unit Supply Connections and Power-up The Power Management Unit of the PN5180 generates internal supplies required for operation. The following pins are used to supply the IC: • PVDD - supply voltage for the SPI interface and control connections • VBAT - Supply Voltage input |
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