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OM25180FDKM Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - NXP Semiconductors

Part # OM25180FDKM
Description  High-performance multi-protocol full NFC Forum-compliant frontend
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Manufacturer  NXP [NXP Semiconductors]
Direct Link  http://www.nxp.com
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OM25180FDKM Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - NXP Semiconductors

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© NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.0 — 7 October 2016
6 of 149
NXP Semiconductors
High-performance multi-protocol full NFC Forum-compliant frontend
Note that the Firmware of the product PN5180 can be updated. Due to the update
capability, the marking of the package does not allow identifying the installed version of
the actual programmed firmware. The firmware version can be retrieved from address
0x12 in EEPROM.
Line C: Customer qualification samples are
marked as CQS: X or Y
8 characters: diffusion and assembly location,
date code, product version (indicated by mask
version), product life cycle status. This line
includes the following elements at 8 positions:
1. Diffusion center code
2. Assembly center code
3. RHF-2006 indicator
4. Year code (Y) 1)
5. Week code (W) 2)
6. Week code (W) 2)
7. Mask layout version
8. (Product life cycle status code CQS): X or Y
PN5180A0HN This product is released for sale
(volume production).
Line A:
Line B:
6 characters: Diffusion Batch ID and assembly
sequence ID
Line C: Release for sale products do not show
any X or Y, instead position 8 is left blank
8 characters: diffusion and assembly location,
date code, product version (indicated by mask
version), product life cycle status. This line
includes the following elements at 8 positions:
1. Diffusion center code
2. Assembly center code
3. RHF-2006 indicator
4. Year code (Y) 1)
5. Week code (W) 2)
6. Week code (W) 2)
7. Mask layout version
8. (Product life cycle status release for sale):
Table 3.
Marking codes …continuedHVQFN40
Type number
Marking code

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